Using remotes for combat system

Should I just use two remotes? One for m1 (cooldown, and combos) and one for hitbox (damage and debuffs, sanity checks for positions of hitbox)?

I would do hitreg on client-side, then if a hit is done, send a remote to the server to deal damage (dont deal damage on the client). On the server, do some sanity checks. Don’t really have to do this though

I would use a remote on the attack start to replicate VFX and to check the tick() or getServerTimeNow() or os.clock between combos, to make sure they aren’t just straight deleting the cooldown (which, should probably be client-sided). Add some headspace to this that wouldn’t really be beneficial to cheaters (so like, 0.5) seconds, for some leniency incase lag spikes happen. Whatever you prefer.

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You can do both with one remote, but i’d use two to prevent remotes being overloaded