Using ReplicatedStorage to store player items?

Right now, I have all the items in game stored in RepStorage. Then I have an inventory and when the player equips what they’ve got in their inventory

if CurrentSlot.Holder.Item.Value then -- the value is an ObjectValue and the object is the item that's in RepStorage
	local ItemInBackpack = CurrentSlot.Holder.Item.Value
	if ItemInBackpack then
		local CloneHolder ='ObjectValue')
		CloneHolder.Name = 'CloneHolder'
		local ClonedItem = ItemInBackpack:Clone()
		CloneHolder.Value = ClonedItem
		ClonedItem.Parent = Character
		CloneHolder.Parent = ItemInBackpack

I take a clone from repstorage, place that into the player and that clone acts as the item in game. When the player unequips the item, it gets removed from the player.

My only worry with this is while it works, I’m worried about security. I know certain people can access RepStorage, so I’m worried they’d be able to just equip any item in game without actually needing to have it in their inventory, so I was wondering what I could do to prevent that.

I know I could do a server side check like

if CurrentSlot.Holder.Item.Value then
	local ItemInBackpack = CurrentSlot.Holder.Item.Value
	if ItemInBackpack then
        if CheckInventory:InvokeServer(ItemInBackpack ) then -- check if player has said item in their inventory from the server
		    local CloneHolder ='ObjectValue')
		    CloneHolder.Name = 'CloneHolder'
		    local ClonedItem = ItemInBackpack:Clone()
		    CloneHolder.Value = ClonedItem
		    ClonedItem.Parent = Character
	        CloneHolder.Parent = ItemInBackpack

But I don’t that would really stop much?? I’m not really sure how much an exploiter can access, but couldn’t they still just manually go into repstorage and grab the item??

The clone would be a local object but you’ll have to place sanity checks on your remotes so that a local object can’t be used to fire remotes concerned with activation of tools. Optionally you could hook a ChildAdded connection to the backpack and the character, send this object to the server each time and get the server to check if it is a local object (in which case it receives nil) and take suitable action (delete local object or moderate)

Alternatively, you could keep all tools in ServerStorage and have the client request for a tool when it’s needed with InvokeServer, and then get the server to clone and return the tool after doing sanity checks.

Not related but, why are you cloning a tool locally?


I swear you couldn’t return items cloned from the server back to the client. You have to some fidgety stuff like parent it somewhere then get the client to check for it being added and thus. I want the easiest solution.

Which one of these would be safest tho? I just don’t want players being able to access items they shouldn’t be accessing

I don’t know whether that’s true but either way, you don’t have the client parent tools. Get the server do the logic currently on your client and handle tools, cloning and parenting and only then return the new objects.

If you really don’t want players to access your tools freely, you simply keep tools under someplace they can’t access – here, ServerStorage is most suitable.

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I mean it doesn’t really matter where you store them because in the end exploiters can copy tools from other users and if they’re coded in a way to act fine even if only cloned locally (client-side), they’ll still work and break the game.


Is there a way to keep the tool models in RepStorage but not allow exploiters to have access to them at all? Using remotes or something?

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All objects in ReplicatedStorage will always be vulnerable to client access. The best you can do to prevent misuse is to implement client checks similar to the one posted before. Keep in mind that these checks too can be overcome by exploiters, albeit with more knowledge.

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So would this be enough then?

if CurrentSlot.Holder.Item.Value then
	local ItemInBackpack = CurrentSlot.Holder.Item.Value
	if ItemInBackpack then
        if CheckInventory:InvokeServer(ItemInBackpack ) then -- check if player has said item in their inventory from the server
		    local CloneHolder ='ObjectValue')
		    CloneHolder.Name = 'CloneHolder'
		    local ClonedItem = ItemInBackpack:Clone()
		    CloneHolder.Value = ClonedItem
		    ClonedItem.Parent = Character
	        CloneHolder.Parent = ItemInBackpack
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You’re forgetting that the client can independently – without fooling around with your script – just clone tools from ReplicatedStorage. Your CheckInventory:InvokeServer(ItemInBackpack) check assumes that the client sets CurrentSlot.Holder.Item.Value to the cloned tool, which isn’t necessary. Parenting the cloned tool directly to the character will allow the client to use the tool at any point, without going through your checks.

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Just doing some fooling around trying things,

-- Server
-- Fired on the InvokeServer from client
local function ReturnItem(player, item)
	local User = PlayerData[player.UserId]
	if not User then return end
	for _, v in pairs(User.Inventory) do
		for _, playerItem in pairs(v) do
			print(playerItem.Name, item.Name) -- prints Wooden Axe Wooden Axe
			if playerItem.Name == item.Name then
				print('Yes') -- Does print
				local CloneItem = item:Clone()
				return CloneItem
-- Client
local Item = GetItem:InvokeServer(CurrentSlot.Holder.Item.Value)
	print(Item) -- prints nil
	if Item then
		Item.Parent = Character

So the server can’t return an object cloned from the server back to the client

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Again, you don’t have to give the raw clone to the client. The client will end up parenting the tool somewhere, instead of having the client do this, you can have the server parent the tool to it’s suitable parent and hence also allow the tool to be replicated to the client, allowing you to pass the object through a remote.

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Hmm ok, well kinda got to this

local function RetrieveItem(player, equip, item)
	if item == nil then return end
	local User = PlayerData[player.UserId]
	if not User then return end
	local Character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
	if equip then
		for _, v in pairs(User.Inventory) do
			for _, playerItem in pairs(v) do
				if playerItem.Name == item.Name then
					local CloneItem = item:Clone()
					CloneItem.Parent = Character
		local Item = Character:FindFirstChild(item.Name)
		if Item then

and seems to work well enough :sweat_smile: not entirely sure how much of it an exploiter could bypass, but I’ll just have to go with it

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I’m not sure which part of this is an actual check. If I were an exploiter, what stops me from not caring about this and just doing

local target = game.ReplicatedStorage.Tools.Tool -- The actual hierarchy is easy to figure out
target:Clone().Parent = workspace.ankurbohra04
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Well nothing, but like you, or somebody else said, they can easily do that. I have no way of preventing them from doing that

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When it comes to equipping tools, (imo) it’s best to have this done server side. Store the tools in ServerStorage, a service untouchable by any connected client regardless of exploit. If a tool needs to be equipped, the server can simply clone the tool into the Players Backpack. The server should know the contents of the players inventory, always. A recommended system to put in place is not have the client worry about anything except for invoking the server to buy, equip, remove etc the item. All cloning or removal should be done on the server as it can be easily be sanity checked.

EDIT => Seems like what I’ve said has already been said. I should read more carefully next time :slight_smile:

Let me know if you have any other questions!


How can I get the object to client then? because my inventory script works like so

local function Setup()
	for i, v in pairs(PlayersInventory.Main) do
		if v.Type then
			local Slot = MainSlots:FindFirstChild(i)
			if Slot then
				local InventoryDefaultData = InventoryData[v.Type][v.Name]
				Slot.Holder.Item.Value = Items[v.Type][v.Name]
				Slot.Holder.Icon.Image = InventoryDefaultData.Image
				if v.Quantity then
					Slot.Holder.Quantity.Text = v.Quantity
				if v.Durability then
					UpdateDurabilityBar(true, Slot.Holder, v.Durability, InventoryDefaultData)
					UpdateDurabilityBar(false, Slot.Holder)

and PlayersInventory is set via

local PlayersInventory = InventoryCheck:InvokeServer()

So I’m going through their inventory based on what the servers returned, so they can’t change that. But each slot has an ObjectValue inside it (Slot.Holder.Item) is the ObjectValue and so then I go through the repstored items and set the object to be that. But if they were stored server side I wouldnt be able to do that

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Could you explain a little more exactly what this method is doing? Thanks

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Nevermind, I think I found a way around it, by using StringValues instead of ObjectValues.

I can just set the string to be the name of the object, and then use the server to check the string with their inventory and make sure they match, then get the item.

So if the items are stored in ServerStorage, no exploiter can access them, correct?

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The name of an item is already a string, why do you need to use a String value? Just return the string itself?

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Because I need a way of storing it in each inventory slot

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