Using Rojo, Remodel, and Github to manage Script / Model Assets

I am working on a workflow with Rojo and Remodel so that I can also manage model assets through Github. I’ve come up with this workflow, but it seems a bit tedious and has some issues. What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way to do this?

Step 1. (only done the 1st time) I open my production place and gather all model files to insert into my repo.

-- init.lua
local game = remodel.readPlaceAsset("7472450623")

local function recursiveSave(folder, currentPath)
    for _,object in ipairs(folder:GetChildren()) do
        if object.ClassName == "Folder" then
            local newPath = currentPath.."/".. object.Name
            recursiveSave(object, newPath)
        elseif object.ClassName ~= "Camera" and object.ClassName ~= "Script" and object.ClassName ~= "LocalScript" and object.ClassName ~= "ModuleScript" then
            remodel.writeModelFile(object, currentPath .. "/" .. object.Name .. ".rbxm")

local directories = {
    ["Workspace"] = game.Workspace,
    ["ServerScriptService"] = game.ServerScriptService,
    ["StarterPlayer/StarterPlayerScripts"] = game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts,
    ["ServerStorage"] = game.ServerStorage,
    ["ReplicatedStorage"] = game.ReplicatedStorage,
    ["StarterGui"] = game.StarterGui,
    ["ReplicatedFirst"] = game.ReplicatedFirst,
    ["Lighting"] = game.Lighting,
    ["SoundService"] = game.SoundService

for name,dir in pairs(directories) do
    print("[SCANNING]: ", name)
    local path = "../Lobby/src/" .. name
    recursiveSave(dir, path)

Step 2. From here I can sync my Rojo to the place and do normal script changes in VS Code, then make asset changes in either VS Code or in Roblox Studio.

Step 3. When I’m done I run a batch file to delete all the model files in my repo, then replace them by reading the Roblox Studio place file to account for changed, deleted, or added models.

SET mypath=%~dp0

remodel run .\pull_models.lua
-- pull_models.lua
local game = remodel.readPlaceFile("../PlaceFiles/LocalPlaceFile.rbxl")

local function recursiveSave(folder, currentPath)
    for _,object in ipairs(folder:GetChildren()) do
        if object.ClassName == "Folder" then
            local newPath = currentPath.."/".. object.Name
            recursiveSave(object, newPath)
        elseif object.ClassName ~= "Camera" and object.ClassName ~= "Script" and object.ClassName ~= "LocalScript" and object.ClassName ~= "ModuleScript" then
            remodel.writeModelFile(object, currentPath .. "/" .. object.Name .. ".rbxm")

local function recursiveRemove(object, currentPath)
    local isFolder = string.find(object, "%.") == nil
    local isModelFile = string.find(object, ".rbxm") ~= nil

    if isFolder then
        currentPath = currentPath.."/"..object

        local folder = remodel.readDir(currentPath)
        for _,child in pairs(folder) do
            recursiveRemove(child, currentPath)
    elseif isModelFile then

local directories = {
    ["Workspace"] = game.Workspace,
    ["ServerStorage"] = game.ServerStorage,
    ["ReplicatedStorage/Assets"] = game.ReplicatedStorage.Assets,
    ["ReplicatedStorage/Values"] = game.ReplicatedStorage.Values,
    ["StarterGui"] = game.StarterGui,
    ["ReplicatedFirst"] = game.ReplicatedFirst,
    ["Lighting"] = game.Lighting,
    ["SoundService"] = game.SoundService

for name,dir in pairs(directories) do
    local path = "../Lobby/src/" .. name
    local folder = remodel.readDir(path)
    for _,child in pairs(folder) do
        recursiveRemove(child, path)

    print("[SCANNING]: ", name)
    recursiveSave(dir, path)

Step 4. I then commit these changes on a branch

From here, if I want to open up the place again, I would pull any changes from GitHub, then sync my Rojo to the place. If I make more asset changes I would need to repeat step 4.


  1. It appears as though some asset types like Attachments and WeldConstraints do not have their properties correctly saved/synced. I tried playing a map in which WeldConstraints and RopeConstraints were used to hold lanterns, but they were missing their Part0 / Part1 properties, so the lantern just fell apart. Also, some of the weapons in the game rely on Attachments which were missing or had wrong properties.

  2. This seems like a really tedious process, is there any better way to fully manage a project with Rojo, Remodel, and Github?

Make sure to seek support in the Roblox OSS discord server, they have a channel for tooling support.

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Sorry to bring this back up. Have you found a solution? I am also trying to figure out a workflow