Using 'Save to Roblox' on a Model that can't generate a thumbnail causes it to crash

I try and save a model to roblox via ‘save to roblox’.
If the preview can’t generate a thumbnail then the publish window freezes.

Please fix. I can’t update models for my game in which I’ve already publicly announced the update for but can’t publish due to this error. my workflow has remained unchanged for 6+ months.


I don’t think this is too normal of a bug but the only thing that I can think off is that maybe there is something in the model that may be causing studio to act like this, maybe it’s corrupted?

I’m not too familiar with this do I can’t really help :confused:

If you can’t get help then I recommend contacting support or continue asking.

Wish you luck :crossed_fingers:

Duplicate of Large model crashes "Save to Roblox.." prompt, breaks publishing, I will be posting there about this bug

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