Using script to load a players avatar not loading correctly

The accessories aren’t in the right place, like as you can see the backpack on this player if far too high up.



You might need to manually modify the welds. Go into playtest and manually modify the C0 or C1 values of the backpack weld. Note down the C0 and C1 values so in a script you could say something like:

backpack_weld.C0 =,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(0),math.rad(0) -- these are just placeholder values, they won't match up to your actual C0.
-- repeat the same for the C1
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Would I get an error if I did this and the character that loaded changed, so they didn’t have a backpack. Because the character loaded changes based off the leaderboard

Just add a check to make sure the backpack weld is actually there.

if placeholder:FindFirstChild("name_of_weld") then
	-- code
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