Using server-side in singleplayer games

A question came into my head recently regarding singleplayer games. I’m sorry if this is a dumb question, I’m just wondering.

So basically for certain things that would be done only a specific player’s client but can be done on the server, if a game is singleplayer would it be worth it to simply do it on the server?

What would the experience for the player be like, if the game was made almost entirely on the server, with only client-exclusive stuff (not accessible by the server) being on the client and anything else would be fired to the server for it to handle?

Will it even work? Does it matter? What are the pros and cons?


Try to make as much server-sided just because of the fact that there are exploiters out there.


If you store anything related to scores and achievements and display this on some sort of leaderboard, then yes. Doing most of your work on the Server that relates to checks and security is something you would want.

But! If it’s simply a singleplayer game that doesn’t showcase possible highscores or achievements, then there’s no reason to make it over complicated, as exploiting the game would really only ruin the game for the exploiter, and not bother anybody.


Don’t forget to mark as solution! Also, you can always DM me if you need further help.

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Then I guess I might as well just do everything on the server.

Thank you @rfisty and @k_as

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