Using store fonts in scripts

I was wondering if theres anyway to use store fonts in scripts. I tried looking around and couldn’t find any topics mentioning store fonts. Any help is appreciated.

This is what I get when I try to use Enum.Font



nametag.HatName.Font = Enum.Font["Faster One"]

This is the font in the font picker


Screenshot 2024-04-27 at 8.28.45 AM

I think the problem is roblox reliased this font but forgot to add it to Enum.Fonts because i have the same problem

Couldn’t find the font within Enum.Fonts after checking, it might be somewhere else but I don’t know.

I thound solution:

script.Parent.FontFace = Font.fromId(12187370928)

Use this and the result will be like this:

Screenshot 2024-04-27 170009

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