Using swords to slice characters in half

i want to create an effect like in smooth slicing where you can seamlessly slice characters in half but idk how to approach it, the closest ive ever gotten to being able to do it was using subtractasync however the cuts arent precise and are usually incorrect


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my attempt:

External Media

I hope this works

Create two models,one left and one right,and then do the cutting.

yes that could work but considering how theres going to be different angles that the players are going to be hit at (depending on where the characters are), the result wouldnt be accurate to the path that the swords blade went

The angles can be fixed by using CFrame.Angles()

External sources can also cause some problens too,

Try to do on your onw or u understand what each function do

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You can view this video; by @5uphi which shows how you can cut parts in two equal pieces, similar to what you want.


cframe.angles still wouldnt be able to make the cut fit the path that the sword takes? eg someone gets sliced through the middle or on their arm, etc

Are you saying you want the player’s body to be sliced in the direction the scythe is facing? If that’s the case I think you could use Vector3:Dot().

im trying to achieve an affect like what ephmere said above but i just dk how to do it correctly

Try watching this tutorial. You may try to apply the concept used here. It’s made by a great YouTuber.

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I have mentioned the same video above but it seems that OP thinks it’s complicated? Or is just ignoring it completely.

no, im not ignoring it, as i stated in my original post ive already used that method (subtractasync) and its not coming out correctly

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