Using this Roblox web API?

I was told to use this web API to get a list of recently played games of a user, but it doesn’t seem to be working. I included a proper .ROBLOSECURITY cookie and x-csrf-token header, although it still doesn’t work. If anyone can please test it too, or give me some advice on how to make it work, I would be very grateful. :slight_smile:

Edit: More specifically, I’m just trying to determine if a player has joined/played a specific game before through web api.

It doesn’t appear to be a valid endpoint. Do also note directly retrieving from a Roblox API will result in an exception, you need to use a proxy server to communicate to internal APIs.

What do you mean by proxy server? Doesn’t that just deal with routing internet traffic? I’m not sure how that would affect the outcome in my situation.

roblox game servers restrict access to internal API points, you would need to use an external server of your own to make the request so roblox believes the request originates from your server, and not one of their own.

If I’m understanding correctly, you think I’m making the request from inside of one of Roblox’s game servers? I’m already sending a get request to the API from my own computer via JavaScript.

The endpoint is for getting info for items in omni recommendation sorts, not getting omni recommendation sorts.

Use with POST body:


The sessionId is grabbed from the Home page by the website, but it doesn’t matter what you give it (likely for analytic purposes anyways).


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