Using UGC creations in games

What are the guidelines on using UGC creations in games? There’s a few UGC creations I’d like to use and I’m wondering if I’ll need to reach out to the creators for permission

I’ve heard people have been terminated or their places deleted for using ugc without the creators’ permission

This was the response given to my by a close friend when I showed them my POC, I wanted to cross check with the community. Last I knew anything uploaded onto Roblox was then owned by Roblox, I don’t know if anything has changed with UGC yet

This information is incorrect. UGC catalog items are uploaded by users, not Roblox. Hats are a developer’s personal IP. They are selling it for you to wear in games, but this does not imply permission to use it for any other purposes. You require permission.

You can check out this thread for other discussion on using UGC in games:

Also: anything you upload to Roblox is actually not Roblox’s property. It remains your property, however under Section 6 of the Terms of Use you also grant Roblox an unrestrictive, unlimited license to use and sublicense your content. Be sure to check out that section.


Well, this’ll be rather tedious now. Thanks guys.

You people can’t just use other people’s IP without asking.

UGC creators actually do retain our ownership of our items, and can issue a DMCA takedown request if anyone uses them without our permission, resulting in a strike just like any other IP infringement.

And besides, all UGC creators are easy to reach and we’re usually more than happy to provide permission - so long as you ask first :slightly_smiling_face:


I have been misinformed.

My only question is, does this mean you can not insert UGC items using InsertService, since the item has not been created by roblox?

I have not tried this, so I don’t even know if it errors or not.

How would this be any different than adding it to your game any other way? The method you use to get the asset there doesn’t matter - what matters is that you have permission.


I just thought that is it interesting that you could break the TOS with one simple line of code.

I’m surprised that roblox hasn’t blocked the inserting of UGC without special permissions all together via script.

This is good to know.

Roblox isn’t responsible for blocking it, that’s what the laws are for. You’re supposed to follow them.

And Roblox has to follow them too if we find out our items are used.


Out of curiosity, how does Catalog Heaven get around this? It has every single UGC item in it, and I don’t think Seranok ever asked anybody for permission.

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Seranok is/was an employee of Roblox, so this quote could possibly apply to his situation. This is purely speculation though

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Not applicable unless a hypothetical loophole exists in which the corporation, with its license to your content, sublicenses that content to its employees for personal use (and I highly doubt that’s the case, so I don’t want to start any speculation in that regard). Section 6 licenses content to the corporation for corporate use (e.g. promotions, merchandise, etc), not to all individual employees.

Catalog Heaven is not an official Roblox game, rather a private one developed by Seranok. CH is not established in the corp’s interest so Seranok would also require permission or a license to use any content that isn’t his for any use in a game.

Just like Roblox doesn’t police content, the community shouldn’t either. The most you should be concerned about is your own circumstances. Seranok may have permission already and is using/allowing these items in accordance with that grant. The permission concerns are only between related parties (licensor and licensee) as well as moderation, not anyone else. It may not be a circumstance of “getting around” but that he already has permission.

Don’t worry about others’ circumstances as they don’t concern you. :slight_smile:

cc @gameboy201X

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