Using uncopylocked games or purpose of them?

What does it mean exactly for someone to uncopylock their game? I know it means you have access to it in studio. What if it was a mistake? When it’s uncopylocked is it then open to you using the models and scripts?

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On one of the ocasions,the user makes it uncopylocked due to him dont wanting to change it anymore(people will do it themself)or made an test game,and people that are going to add new things.I only said this cause EgoMoose made that Gravity Controller and teleportation portal demo and he uncopylocked it.


Well sure I know some people open source their game but I see a lot of games when I search uncopylocked. Some of them are stolen. I only recognize the famous ones though like Jailbreak. I’d like to find legit games I can use in Studio.

Messing up with this is cool
EgoMoose also made an gravity controller game,but i dont have it in my historic of access in this browser


uncopylocked games often times are just the original creators either open sourcing their project, or not wanting to make any further changes to it.

however, if you find games that are uncopylocked, and they are not made by the original games’ creator i highly advise against using any of it as it is most likely the end result of exploiting/leaking


Not only that,it probably can get the game or even you banned/delete

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You can use the models in uncopylocked games if it was made by the original creator and given to someone by the original creator. If it was taken by exploits, I would stay away from that. People uncopylock their games because they want others to learn from it and/or don’t feel like working on it anymore.