This camera service has a shiftlock and a firstperson feature.
I ran into an issue where in third person I could move my camera just fine, but in shiftlock/first person, the camera would not move.
I later investigated and found out that it was my usage of Viewportframes in my UI that was causing it. When I disabled them, the camera moved just fine in both camera modes.
I’m not sure why my viewport frames are causing the camera not to move. I’ve tried using two viewportframe modules, the issue persists on both: Egomoose and Boatbomber’s
Anyone know why its affecting my camera like this?
The CameraService resource. It’s looks like it works fine regularly, but not on viewportframes. Have you tried modifying the code to work with viewportframes?
Oh no that’s not what I meant. The cameraservice I am using strictly for the camera (thirdperson,firstperson,shiftlock). The problem is that I am using Egomoose/Boatbombers viewport modules (I tried both) on specific small UI elements on my games UI, and somehow it is breaking the camera. The normal Roblox camera is not affected by this.