USMC | Admin Regulations |

This handbook is the official handbook for the USMC. This contains all the Admin Regulations for Officers at Parris Island.

There are various commands at Parris Island which are all monitored by the Naval Criminal Investigation Services.

All commands are restricted to a certain admin level in-game, commands correspond to the level of your admin in-game.

This handbook will cover the corresponding commands & uses.

Levels of admin:

  • Moderator
  • Administrator
  • Owner

This document may be outdated in the future. There is always an up-to-date copy in our Discord server. Join it using our social links on our group: The United States Marine Corpsᅠᅠᅠ - Roblox

Moderator (E9B + O3 - O6)

:h, :m and :n - Should only be used to spread awareness of an event.
Note: Do not use :m command without explicit permission from CG+

:mpm < player / %team > < Message > - MPM is a mix of the M and the PM command. It shows a message like M to only specific people or teams.

:npm < player / %team > < Message > - MPM is a mix of the N and the PM command. It shows a message like N to only specific people or teams.

:respawn < playername > - Used to forcibly reset someones character.
Note: Do not use without proper reasoning.

:tp < playername > < playername > - Used to teleport to different people.
Note: You are allowed to teleport to and bring lower ranks, you cannot to higher ranks and never Marine Corps staff.

:pm < playername > - Used to send specific messages to a player.
Note: Should only be used for professional reasons, if personal, keep it to DMs.

:hcountdown < time > - Used to set a timer.
Note: Should only be used for training events.

:team < player > < team > - Used to change teams for the designated player
Note: Should only be used on yourself for the teams that you have access to. For example, if you are an Officer and you are a part of MP, you may only team yourself either Officer or Military Police.

Administrator (O7 - O8)

:kickwarn < playername > < reason > - This command replaced, kick. This is to mainly support the Intelligence unit to understand who’s admin abusing.
Note: Should only be used for TKers or exploiters.

:view < playername > - This command makes your camera match with the designated player
Note: This must only be used in specific circumstances such as identifying exploiters, or identifying where one is. This command should not be used very frequently.

Owner (O9 - Marine Staff)

:ban < playername > - This command server bans the player. Next server restart, they will be able to join once again
Note: This should only be used after multiple uses of the :kickwarn command.

:trelloban < playername > < reason > - This command permanently bans a player.
Note: This should only be used in very rare and extreme cases. Most of the time, with exploiters.
You cannot unban the player once you have used this command.

:god < playername > - This command makes the user invincible
Note: This must only be used in rare circumstances such as in Marine wide inspections or any other important events. Use common sense with this command.

:give < playername > < item > - This command gives the designated player an item
Note: This command should only be used in rare circumstances where one must have a specific item. Use common sense on this command.

Members of the Headquarters and the Naval Criminal Investigation Services reserve the right to issue a punishment. This may be in the form of a temporary, to a permenant demotion from your rank, or even a temporary or permanent ban from the game.