If you’re interested in becoming a developer for the USMG, whether in a full-time capacity or as someone that can pick up contracts/bids put out by our main development team, simply join the DARPA Group and inform our developers of your interest, and we’d be more than happy to facilitate your involvement in our community!

DARPA Ranks/Roles
DARPA Director


The DARPA Director serves as the visionary leader of the group, responsible for setting strategic goals, overseeing project direction, and fostering a collaborative environment. They work closely with high command, establish partnerships, and ensure the overall success and growth of the DARPA Roblox development community.

DARPA Deputy Director


The Deputy Director collaborates with the Director to implement the group’s vision, handling day-to-day operations and assisting in decision-making. They provide crucial support in managing projects, resolving issues, and coordinating efforts among different departments to maintain the group’s efficiency and effectiveness.

DARPA Senior Enlisted Leader


The Senior Enlisted Leader holds a key position in guiding and mentoring members within the group. They focus on maintaining a positive and productive atmosphere, addressing concerns, and ensuring effective communication. The Senior Enlisted Leader plays a vital role in fostering a strong sense of community within DARPA.



The Administration team manages logistical and organizational aspects of the group, handling tasks such as member onboarding, communication management, and documentation. They ensure smooth operations and provide support to different departments within DARPA.

Environmental Artist


Environmental Artists are responsible for creating visually stunning and immersive landscapes within Roblox games. They design and implement elements like terrain, scenery, and atmospheres, contributing to the overall aesthetic and player experience of the games developed by DARPA.

Model Specialist


Model Specialists focus on creating 3D models for in-game assets. They bring concepts to life by designing and constructing various objects, characters, and props, ensuring that the game’s visual elements align with the creative vision.



Builders specialize in constructing the physical structures and environments within Roblox games. They work closely with other departments to transform ideas into interactive and engaging game worlds, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable player experience.



Programmers are responsible for coding and scripting the functionality of Roblox games. They implement game mechanics, features, and ensure smooth interactions, playing a critical role in turning creative concepts into fully functional and enjoyable gameplay experiences.



Animators bring characters and objects to life through movement and motion. They create dynamic and visually appealing animations, enhancing the overall gameplay experience by adding realism and personality to in-game elements.

Audio Specialist

Audio Specialists focus on creating and implementing soundscapes, music, and sound effects that complement the game environment. They enhance immersion and atmosphere, contributing to the overall audio-visual experience for players.

GFX (Graphics)

GFX designers work on visual elements such as logos, promotional materials, and branding for the DARPA group. They contribute to creating a strong and recognizable visual identity for the group.

Clothing Designer

Clothing Designers specialize in creating virtual clothing and accessories for in-game characters. They contribute to character customization options, enhancing the player's ability to personalize their in-game avatars.

UI Designer

UI Designers focus on creating user interfaces that are intuitive and visually appealing. They design menus, buttons, and interactive elements, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable navigation experience for players within the games developed by DARPA.

Bidding Functionality

In DARPA, a systematic bidding process is implemented to assign tasks to developers. Members of


the group can bid on specific jobs, expressing their interest and proposed terms for completing the task. Once bids are submitted, the group evaluates them based on factors like expertise, proposed timelines, and cost. The developer with the most suitable bid is selected for the job. However, to ensure accountability, a system is in place where if the chosen developer fails to meet the specified standards or deadlines, another qualified developer will be selected to complete the task, and payment will be redirected accordingly. This approach aims to maintain quality and efficiency within the DARPA Roblox development community.

Developer Calendar/Release Functionality


In DARPA, developers diligently adhere to a structured calendar system to track updates, game releases, and planned features. On a quarterly basis, a comprehensive calendar is compiled, outlining the timelines for upcoming releases and the specific features slated for implementation. Developers collaborate to ensure that their individual tasks align with the overall schedule. Regular meetings are conducted to discuss progress, resolve challenges, and adjust timelines if necessary. This meticulous approach to calendar management enables the team to stay organized, meet deadlines, and deliver high-quality updates and game features consistently, fostering a cohesive and efficient development process within the group.

Spreadsheet Management and Administration


Within DARPA, developers uphold a systematic approach to project management through meticulously maintained spreadsheets. These spreadsheets comprehensively track project completion rates, current status, identified issues, and various development metrics. To ensure clarity and streamline collaboration, developers are encouraged to limit their task claims to 2-3 at a time, preventing confusion among team members. Effective communication is emphasized, requiring developers to provide thorough updates on their progress and changes. This transparent communication enables other developers to seamlessly pick up tasks where they left off, fostering a collaborative environment that enhances productivity and ensures the successful execution of projects within the group.

Developer Recruiting and Retention


In DARPA, developers are incentivized and encouraged to actively recruit new members onto projects through a multifaceted approach. To attract talent, developers are offered opportunities for exposure on larger projects, providing them with a platform to showcase their skills to a wider audience. Joining historic communities is emphasized, allowing developers to contribute to projects with a rich legacy. Payment opportunities serve as a tangible reward for their contributions, ensuring that their efforts are recognized and compensated. A key aspect of the incentive structure is the commitment to maintaining a non-toxic working environment, fostering a positive atmosphere for collaboration. Additionally, developers are presented with diverse challenges and engaging tasks to keep them motivated and invested in the group’s projects. This holistic approach aims to create an environment where developers feel valued, inspired, and eager to contribute their talents to the success of the USMG. Developers voted to staff positions are to hold their office until their time has been completed, or they must be removed for violations of the UCMJ that warrant removal.

Contracting Opportunities


In DARPA, unique opportunities arise as a result of networking and collaboration with other notable communities facilitated by the USMG high command. Leveraging their connections with group leaders, DARPA opens avenues for securing contracts from other communities. By offering specialized services, DARPA becomes a sought-after entity for its development expertise. When such contracts are secured, the USMG takes a strategic approach to funding its operations and compensating developers. A portion of the profits goes towards paying developers for their contributions, ensuring fair compensation for their skills and efforts. The remaining funds are reinvested into the group’s growth and development initiatives. This mutually beneficial arrangement allows the developer tasked with the project to receive a substantial share of the earnings, creating a dynamic where success in external contracts contributes to the overall prosperity of both the individual developer and the DARPA Roblox development community.

Separation of DARPA and the USMG


DARPA developers are expected to operate within the established boundaries of their roles and responsibilities, refraining from exerting any military or moderation authority beyond the scope of their duties in the USMG (United States Military Group). It is crucial for them to understand that any issues or concerns they may encounter should be addressed through the proper chain of command, deferring to branch command for resolution.

DARPA developers cannot hold any Officer command position within the USMG for any unit that is Division echelon or below, but may hold executive offices and SEA/VJCS/JCS positions.

Additionally, DARPA developers are subject to the same rules and regulations as all members of the USMG. Violations of group rules may result in consequences, including the potential loss of their positions within DARPA. It is imperative that developers recognize their role as integral parts of the USMG community and actively participate while maintaining a healthy separation between their development responsibilities and the military aspects of the group.

As representatives of DARPA, developers are looked upon as examples within the USMG community. Therefore, they are expected to approach their involvement with professionalism, treating it as a serious endeavor rather than a casual game. The efficient use of time and resources is essential, and developers should avoid squandering these valuable assets. Striking a balance between active participation in the USMG community and their development responsibilities is encouraged, fostering a collaborative environment while upholding the standards of both DARPA and the USMG as a whole.



Ownership of Uploaded Assets with Developer Reservation Rights

This disclaimer is intended to outline the ownership dynamics concerning intellectual property within the United States Military Group (USMG), focusing on the transfer of ownership upon assets being uploaded to the group while affording developers the right to refuse service.

Asset Ownership
Upon developers uploading assets to the USMG, including but not limited to game assets, scripts, designs, and other creative works, ownership of said assets transfers to the USMG.

Reservation of Rights
Developers maintain the right to refuse service for specific projects or activities within the USMG. By reserving this right, developers can choose not to contribute specific assets to designated projects without compromising their standing within the group.

Exclusive Usage License
The USMG is granted an exclusive license to use, modify, and distribute the assets within the context of the designated project upon their upload. This license is exclusive but limited to the duration of the project and does not extend beyond its completion.

Developer’s Independent Use
Developers are entitled to independently use, license, or sell their intellectual property outside the scope of their involvement with the USMG, provided such activities do not conflict with the group’s interests or mission.

Asset Protection Measures
The USMG is committed to implementing reasonable measures to protect the intellectual property rights of developers. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of a developer’s intellectual property without consent is considered a violation of this agreement.

Disclaimer of Liability
The USMG shall not be held liable for any loss, misappropriation, or unauthorized use of intellectual property arising from activities within the group. Developers are encouraged to independently safeguard their assets.

Developer’s Right to Refuse Service
Developers have the right to refuse service for specific projects or activities within the USMG. This right allows developers to make decisions aligned with their creative vision and values.

Modification of Agreement
The USMG reserves the right to modify or amend this agreement at its discretion. Developers will be promptly informed of any such modifications.

By continuing their association with the USMG, developers acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this disclaimer, ensuring the transfer of ownership upon asset upload while preserving their right to refuse service for specific projects.