USMG Goalsetting School

SMART Goals:

SMART goals are a framework used to create effective and achievable objectives. Each letter in SMART represents a key aspect of goal-setting:

  1. Specific:

    • What to do: Define goals clearly and precisely, leaving no room for ambiguity. For example, “Increase active members in the USMG Roblox group by 20% within six months.”
    • What not to do: Set vague or broad goals that lack clarity and specificity. For example, “Improve the USMG Roblox group.”
  2. Measurable:

    • What to do: Establish quantifiable criteria for success to track progress objectively. For example, “Track monthly active member counts using Roblox group analytics.”
    • What not to do: Set goals that cannot be measured or evaluated. For example, “Enhance member engagement in the USMG Roblox group.”
  3. Action-Oriented (or Achievable):

    • What to do: Ensure goals are realistic and attainable within the given constraints. For example, “Implement weekly game nights to boost member engagement.”
    • What not to do: Set goals that are overly ambitious or unrealistic. For example, “Double the USMG Roblox group’s member count within one month.”
  4. Realistic (or Relevant):

    • What to do: Ensure goals align with the group’s priorities, values, and capabilities. For example, “Launch a recruitment campaign targeting Roblox players interested in military simulation games.”
    • What not to do: Set goals that are unrelated to the group’s objectives or beyond its scope. For example, “Organize a charity event unrelated to Roblox gaming.”
  5. Timely (or Time-Bound):

    • What to do: Establish a specific timeframe or deadline for goal achievement. For example, “Increase group participation by 10% by the end of the quarter.”
    • What not to do: Leave goals open-ended without a clear timeframe for completion. For example, “Improve group communication without specifying when.”

Writing Prompt:

Your task is to create three short-term and three long-term SMART goals for the USMG Roblox group. These goals should adhere to the SMART criteria and address key aspects of the group’s growth, engagement, and success.

In a document format, outline your three short-term and three long-term SMART goals for the USMG Roblox group. Be sure to include specific details for each goal, such as the target outcome, measurable indicators of success, action steps, and relevant timeframes.

Short-Term Goals (0-1 months):

  1. Specific goal:

    • Measurable indicators:
    • Action steps:
    • Realistic assessment:
    • Timely completion:
  2. Specific goal:

    • Measurable indicators:
    • Action steps:
    • Realistic assessment:
    • Timely completion:
  3. Specific goal:

    • Measurable indicators:
    • Action steps:
    • Realistic assessment:
    • Timely completion:

Long-Term Goals (1 month - 6 months):

  1. Specific goal:

    • Measurable indicators:
    • Action steps:
    • Realistic assessment:
    • Timely completion:
  2. Specific goal:

    • Measurable indicators:
    • Action steps:
    • Realistic assessment:
    • Timely completion:
  3. Specific goal:

    • Measurable indicators:
    • Action steps:
    • Realistic assessment:
    • Timely completion:

After completing your goals, reflect on the differences between conventional goals and SMART goals. Consider how the SMART criteria enhance goal-setting effectiveness and improve the likelihood of success in achieving objectives. Describe any insights gained from applying the SMART framework to your goal-setting process.

Submit your document containing the SMART goals, along with your reflection on conventional vs. SMART goals, in a ticket that you open. Ensure that your goals are well-organized, detailed, and aligned with the SMART criteria.