[USSF] - Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently-Asked Questions

When is the next training or raid?

Join the USSF Discord server to view our training schedule. We also post announcements for events there!
View the invite link (code is SDAaBXX) under the ‘Social Links’ on the group’s webpage.

How can I be promoted? / What are the rules?

This forum thread covers those questions: [USSF] - Rules & Promotions - #2

How can I become a High Rank?

Please read this forum thread: [USSF] - High Ranks, Supervised Trainings, Becoming a HR or Veteran & More

How can I join one of the branches/JSOC?

This link explains all of that: [USSF] - Branches - #2

Can you make the uniform free?

This has never been possible. Years ago when both tickets and robux tickets existed on roblox the uniforms were sold for 1 ticket each, the minimum price available. Everyone used to receive 10 tickets free per day. However, tickets were removed and now you can not sell clothing for less than 5 robux per shirt/pants.

Where can I get the uniform?

Check the group store for the new uniforms.
You can find all uniforms here: [USSF] - Uniforms

When was USSF made?

USSF was made shortly after groups became a feature on ROBLOX in 2009. That is why we are group number 22025 while new groups today have a number ranging in the millions. Before that, I remembered the names of my members and kept them on my friends list.

I stopped playing ROBLOX for several years and came back in late 2012 and revived USSF. Only then did we start to have thousands of members, mainly due to the popularity of our Forward Operating Base.

Funnily enough several groups took the name USSF before the group was created. As a result, young me decided to name it “The Real” USSF.

Do I have to be from the US to join?

Of course not.