UV Issues with Blender

Hi, I’m currently attempting to edit the UV of a Cube in Blender, however whenever I’m layering it onto the Image, the Parts that are needed to be transparent are showing as black.

Does anybody have any suggestions or ideas how to fix this?

I don’t quite understand, I seem to be able to make other .Objs transparent, it just seems to be cubes I’m having issues with.

Could you show an example of the other .objs?

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I stand corrected. Blender Render does support alpha channels. However, i wasn’t able to reproduce the bug you’re currently experiencing.

Could you by any chance share the .blend file so we can take a closer look at it?

Bodoi.fbx (14.7 KB)

It seems anything I export from ROBLOX studio as a .Obj and import into Blender can have the transparency effect changed on the UV. However any other stuff I’ve tried have failed.

Could you remove this material and see if the issue persists?


You can remove it by pressing the - next to it.


Seems to have worked perfectly!
Thank you so much! :smiley:

That’s great to hear!