UV Map texture have a black background

I’ve created UV map design for my car in Roblox Studio, but my UV maps have a black background. What could be the issue, and what is the best solution to remove the background so that it is transparent?

Use a SurfaceAppearance instead and set AlphaMode to Transparency - and this is assuming your UV map is properly using Alpha for the background.

also i dont think there’s a point in censoring the id if it’s private


When i add an surfaceappearance on it, it doesnt schows anymore the texture

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you’re supposed to add the texture id to the colormap property. to put it simply, surfaceappearance is essentially the same as the texture instance but uses the object’s uv map along with roughness metalness and normal maps.

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Yeah there is the next problem, if i do that in the colormap property, the whole part is transparent

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How’d you import it? Try the 3d importer if you haven’t already.

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Yeah i imported everything with the 3d importer and there is a mesh, but when i add an surfaceappearance the background gets transparent

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sorry set the alphamode to Overlay. I said transparency earlier, that was incorrect :sob:


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