Uv mapping help

Alright let’s get straight to the point. So I decided to rely on textures for coloring my meshes, since i’m starting to make very detailed meshes, and separating each individual piece that i want to color differently would be such a hassle. I am currently coloring a sort of rocket launcher missile, which is gonna be part of a rocket launcher. Let me show you a quick picture:

Here’s the full rocket launcher:

as you can see its pretty detailed.
So when i found out about the method of texturing your meshes, I did some research, and found out how to semi UV unwrap. So I UV unwrapped the missile and this is what I got:

and when i colored it this is what i came up with:

Now when I apply the texture to the mesh this happens:

Please help, I’ve been researching and trying to figure this out for the past 2 days


Oh, and another question I have is if Smart Uv project is reliable.

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Does the UV map show up correctly in Blender?

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What do you mean by that?
(30 charss)

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Try attaching the UV map as a texture.

(Sorry if this is not possible. I do not have much understanding of UV Maps)

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I have it currently attached as a decal
i shall try to do it as a texture.

Yeah. Try making it a texture in Studio.

In Studio, put the TextureID of the decal (it’s in the decal’s Properties) into the Texture property of the MeshPart. You don’t have to do this in Blender.

MeshParts typically don’t use decals to show textures.

Also Smart UV map isn’t great. I’ve only ever use it for proof of concepts. It’s typically much better to mark your seams and unwrap it manually.

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Sorry for the late reply.
I have already tried this, and it has not worked. It will just place the image onto the mesh on a flat surface.
Thank your for your time.

Please show us a picture of the Explorer and Properties window. We can help you with more info.

Sorry for wasting your time, I have found a solution a couple hours ago.
Thank you for reaching out.

Well then, write the solution here and check your comment as solution, and rename the post with more accurate description, so if somebody else needs help he doesnt have to create a post and wait 4 days for response

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