UV mapping of meshes is messed up

The texture of the building is supposed to be continuous brick (roblox material), and has always been before today’s update. The green doors on the building are also using a custom texture (mesh property). Some meshes are fine, but it seems like most of them are having UV mapping issues that weren’t there before. Here’s a link to the place: ALONE (Dev Version) - Roblox

EDIT: It seems like moving the meshes away from other parts fixes it, but the issue appears again when moved back. This might be some sort of lighting issue?


Uh, this is pretty bad…

A significant number of my signs that utilize unions now look like garbled messes:

Problem is affecting FileMeshes too:

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Thank you for reporting this bug. I will be forwarding the information to our team. :slight_smile:


Looks like that stop sign took one too many shots


This should be fixed now