Uzi 3D model / Feedback

How does it look??


It doesn’t have a few key feature that most uzi’s have, the barrel is too short, the stock is bender up too much, the stock can’t fold outwards, there is no grip, and there is no bolt sticking out.


Other than that, it looks really nice. Very clean, just try to work on those features.

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You got the basic shape down pretty well, I would say just try to add some more details, and make it seem less blocky. One thing that could help you a lot is beveling some edges.

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A nice foundation. But It would be nice with a little more details and looks a little blocky. Personally I don’t think anyone would notice that much in game because it is a small gun. But overall good work.

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the mag is too thick and. the two dots on the bottom don’t fit well. the trigger part is too thinScreen Shot 2021-07-29 at 7.44.09 PM

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Wow! This looks super cool! I am excited to see new models from you.

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