I recently upgraded my ski model with some details and others. And I want to know wich one is the best for a showcase.
1: The Old Version [V1]
The V1 Version ski was generaly for decorate some training facilities or mountaineering games. They got used in multiple games as Matterhorn, Pico Aneto, Mount Rila and alot of others. I used Archimedes two and GapFill for make theses skis. They are basics, Only wedges, Blocks and cylinders. I made them in approximatively 10 minutes. Here some pictures:
2: The New Version [V2]
This model is alot advanced and detailled. The feet holder got replaced by multiples unions. Some cylinders got negated and unioned with balls for realism, A Better quality came for the feet holder. The body is the same but reworked, I removed the bad parts and added some decorations. As blue lines or Salomon symbol. It took me approximatively 30m for do this ski version. Actually, It doesn’t got used in any games. Here some pictures:
I will awnser all your feedbacks and questions !!!
Have a good day !