[V1] Useful GetPlayer Library

there isn’t much way to get around that, it probably picks a random one or the one that comes alphabetically first

Nope! GetPlayerFromAbbreviation() returns the first player detected only.

However, GetPlayersFromAbbreviation() returns an array of players.


It does! Check out what I replied to him with.

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This is actually pretty useful for making admin commands.

it’s already easy to do. Why do you need this module for something thats like 10 lines?

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I don’t see any use of this whatsoever.

local function ReturnPlayer(Str)
	for i,v in next, Players:GetPlayers() do
		if string.sub(v.Name:lower(),1,string.len(Str)) == Str:lower() then
			return v
local function ReturnPlayers(Str)
	local tab = {}
	for i,v in next, Players:GetPlayers() do
		if string.sub(v.Name:lower(),1,string.len(Str)) == Str:lower() then
			table.insert(tab, v)
	return tab

This isn’t much of a useful resource.

Scroll up a bit. This would be useful for admin commands.

What do you mean? To make 10 lines… 1 line. :man_facepalming:

10 lines isn’t very much. So theres no need to make something from 10 lines to 1 line.

This isn’t useful at all. It’s literally two functions that anyone can make into their system, why would we need an outside module for it?

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I guess that’s just your preference. Unlike you, others have said the module was pretty useful, especially for beginners. :man_shrugging:

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I fail to understand why you continue to say the function is useless when you can take the two seconds to scroll up and see that others found it useful. Of course anyone can integrate into their system, but you can’t even use that argument because all modules can be integrated a different way into someone’s system without actual use of the module. I asked for constructive critcism, not criticism only.

This isn’t useful period. The use of this module can easily be done in 2 functions by anyone, it’s not useful at all.

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Are you just taking a look at what I’m saying without even reading over it?

May want to rephrase your statement.

One kid with no scripting experience is far from saying this is useful. The sole purpose of your module was made in two functions literally here:

Make something that is useful to the community and not made in 2 minutes for the post count.

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Two functions…that can be accessed USING THE MODULES CODE??
Not to mention the literal third function at the bottom of the module. :joy:

I could care less about the post count, it’s supposed to be a useful module for the community.Pretty sure the module I created has already been used in another guy’s admin commands tutorial, anyway. :man_shrugging:

The functions are literally made with 4 lines. How is that useful? Should’ve made a tutorial instead. Not a useless module.

Don’t need to use a third party for two functions that can be made easily.

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cough 18 minutes :eyes:

Lol jokes aside if you don’t like it don’t use it, don’t make @SirCalebXVI feel bad for open sourcing his code.

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Then copy and paste the functions from the module that I made and use it as a function in your script (which you have already done). :man_shrugging: