[v1.0] RoNotify | FREE | An easy way to make custom notifications for your games

RoNotify is a free resource for roblox developers designed to make it easy to create custom notifications inside of their roblox games.
Created by Treklatom (me)

Link to the model:
RoNotify - Model Link

Setting up the model + code:
Setting up RoNotify is incredibly easy as all you need to do is:

  • Move the folder into ServerScriptService
  • Use require() to reference the script named Source in the folder in a server script. Here is an example of this in code:
local Folder = game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("RoNotify") -- The folder of the model
local RoNotify = require(Folder:WaitForChild("Core")) -- The module script
  • Finally call .Notify() from the module script named Core inside the folder to fire a notification when needed. You will need to include the following parameters: (Player, Icon, Title, Message, Properties) in that order. Here is an example:
RoNotify.Notify(Player, Icon, Title, Message, Properties) -- Function to call notification

Here is information on each parameter you need to include:

  • Player - the player you want to receive the notification
  • Icon - the image to be displayed next to the title and message. Will default to the following image if no image is given or the string is empty:
  • Title - the title of the notification
  • Message - the message of the notification
  • Properties - a dictionary of properties to customize the notification. (An example of this is available in the code example below)

If you are unsure on the elements of the notification, this diagram may help:

Overriding default notifications:
To override notifications, you need to call .Override() followed by the name of what you want to override. For example: RoNotify.Override("BadgeNotificationsActive") would disable badge notifications when RoNotify is set to: local RoNotify = require(game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("RoNotify"):WaitForChild("Core"))

Here are currently all the options to override:

  • BadgeNotificationsActive - badge notifications

More options will be added in the future.

Using the model + more info:
Using a module script, the model allows scripts to call a function on the Server to display a custom notification on any client with a range of properties to customize. All the properties are listed below:

  • BackgroundTransparency - The transparency of the background
  • BackgroundColor - The color of the background
  • CornerRadius - The corner radius of the background

  • OutlineEnabled - If the outline is enabled
  • OutlineColor - The color of the outline
  • OutlineThickness - The thickness of the outline
  • OutlineTransparency - The transparency of the outline

  • TextColor - The color of the text
  • IconColor - The color of the icon

  • IdleTime - The duration of time the notification is shown for
  • TransitionTime - The duration of the tween in/out

  • TransitionStyle - The easing style of the tween animation
  • TransitionDirection - The easing direction of the tween animation

Here is an example of how it may be used. In this example, it displays a notification to any players in a server who are friends with a player who joins the game:

local Folder = game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("RoNotify") -- The folder of the model
local RoNotify = require(Folder:WaitForChild("Core")) -- The module script

game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(Plr) -- Event when a player joins the server
	wait(5) --  A delay (optional)
	for i, Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do -- Loops through all players in the servrer
		if Player:IsFriendsWith(Plr.UserId) then -- Exludes players who aren't friends with the player who joined
			local Icon = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=10885655986" -- Icon for the notification
			local Title = "Player joined" -- Notification title
			local Message = "Your friend " .. Plr.DisplayName .. " has joined the game." -- Notification message
			local Properties = {
				-- Background
				["BackgroundTransparency"] = .25; -- The background transparency
				["BackgroundColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(46, 46, 46); -- The background color
				["CornerRadius"] = UDim.new(0, 20); -- Corner radius of the background
				-- Outline
				["OutlineEnabled"] = true; -- If the outline is enabled
				["OutlineColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(226, 226, 226); -- The outline's color
				["OutlineThickness"] = 3; -- The outline's thickness
				["OutlineTransparency"] = 0; -- The transparency of the outline
				-- Text
				["TextColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(226, 226, 226); -- The text color
				-- Image
				["IconColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255); -- Imnage color
				-- Timings
				["IdleTime"] = 3; -- The duration of time the notification is shown for
				["TransitionTime"] = 0.25; -- The duration of the tween
				-- Animation
				["TransitionStyle"] = Enum.EasingStyle.Linear; -- The easing style of the tween
				["TransitionDirection"] = Enum.EasingDirection.InOut; -- The easing direction of the tween

			RoNotify.Notify(Player, Icon, Title, Message, Properties) -- Function to call notification

Here is a video of the code working:

Missing features?
Try carrying out the following actions:

  • Delete the model from your inventory
  • Re-download the model and replace the original
  • Test and the new features should be available

I plan to add more types of popups and customization in the future so feel free to bookmark this post

If you are unsure on how to use module scripts, see this documentation:
ModuleScript - Documentation

Feel free to leave any feedback on how it could be improved or changed and I hope you find this useful in some way :slight_smile:


There is currently a notification set by default by roblox for when a friend joins and leaves. Does this remove that and replace it with a custom one or will the roblox notification still show?


The roblox one will still be shown; however, I may look into having an option to remove notifications such as the friend notifications in the future if it is possible to do so.

However, friend joined example was a demo and it can be used for any other purposes.

Might want to update your “READ ME” script

 -- Place this folder in ServerScript Service
 -- Find out more info on how to use the plugin here: [Link]

Link is not there

How would I fire the command without having to have a friend join like you did? I tried RoNotify.Notify(with all the properties) but that didn’t work giving me an error.

Thanks for letting me know, the problem should be fixed now.

You could use the player added event and then do RoNotify.Notify(Player, Icon, Title, Message, Properties) but change player to the player who has joined the game.

Alternatively, you could add or Player == Plr to the if statement when it checks if each player if friends with the player who joined thew game as this will make it include the player who has joined.

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