This doesn’t work for me.
Nothing errors but nothing loads.
This doesn’t work for me.
Nothing errors but nothing loads.
Can you send a screenshot? I have a feeling you’re using it incorrectly.
You have to select a screen gui and it’ll work. I’ll make this more clear in the future, but it’s intentional and noted in the documentation.
Ah bless, didn’t know about that one just assumed. Thanks
Sorry, I went to sleep:
You set your width and height on the screen gui to 0, do 1920x1080
Didn’t change anything, I did 1920, 1080 but all of it is still the same. This is what happens to the properties:
Is there anything I should know such as frames having to be visible etc?
Once you do that to the screen gui, make sure to press “apply”.
Same issue there. When trying to import, nothing displays
Read the above replies! I addressed it.
Tried them but without success.
When you say “nothing displays”, are you meaning the images themselves? If so, do note that you have to manually apply the images; it only auto-imports the layout.
I meant that nothing appears, when auto-importing, all the frames seems to be here in the explorer but can’t be seen in the game. Everything is fine property-wise.
Yes. As noted in the documentation, you need to apply the images yourself.