Hey guys, I was kinda tired these days so I made a module to help people while making their own avatar editors, this is for personal use tbh, but might help someone! I’ll be updating it because at the moment it isn’t even commented properly. Consider this a Alpha test.
Here’s the Github Repo and its github.io
Copy of README.md:
Avatar editor utils
Some promise-based methods to deal with Roblox Avatar Editor Service, Humanoid Descriptions and Web APIs easier
For Studio users: There’s a model in my profile, I can’t put the link here
For Rojo users, just put the MainModule folders inside your Server/Client directory and the Promise inside ReplicatedStorage
The function names are pretty self-explanatory. Don’t forget to do your type checking before calling the function
Make sure to put “” in the string parameters that you won’t use
Main:GetUserInventoryAsync(player.UserId, nil):andThen(function(Response)
Main:GetItemsByCategory("1", nil, nil, nil, nil):andThenCall(foo, "args")
Consider making a issue for major changes. Pull requests are welcome!!
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Read this:
As the documentation for the Catalog API is kinda outdated, here’s a working tip to make your Catalog request using this module:
Go to Roblox’s website catalog and find the “type” of thing that you want to add and use its category and subcategory to make you request (in the example I’m searching for limited face accessories)
To request this, you can put the SAME category,subcategory and salestypefilter as its link → The ones in Catalog API aren’t working as they should
Change log
- Added documentation, check it at my github.io
I’d extremely recommend everyone to update your versions
Added caching to make methods faster. Check them at the documentation.
Quick test:
- To make things less annoying, removed the need to put “” in the parameters you don’t want to use… now you can use nil
- Added salesTypeFilter in the :GetItemsByCategory method to make it easier to fetch Limiteds and/or Premium items
- Added :AddModelAccessory and :RemoveModelAccessories