[V2] Moon2Cutscene | Play Moon Animator 2 Files

Moon2Cutscene Version 2.1

What is Moon2Cutscene?

  • Moon2Cutscene is a free open source Moon Animator 2 run-time cutscene playback module

Where to get it?

  • You can get the module here for absolutely free

Setting up

local moon2Cutscene = require(path.to.module)
local newCutscene = moon2Cutscene.new(file, map?)

the file can be found under ServerStorage.MoonAnimator2Saves

If given the map parameter, objects will be looked for under it. Optionally, you can use the replace method

newCutscene:replace(objIndex:number, newInstance:Instance)

This method will replace the object of the given index to a different one.
Example use case: Playing an animation on the player

local character = player.Character
character:PivotTo(startCFrame) -- pivot the player to the CFrame the cutscene should start (OPTIONAL)
newCutscene:replace(1, character) -- replace the appropiate index with the player's character

But wait, how do i know which index’s which?

  • You can use this snippet to easily find which index to replace:
for i,v in file.file.Items do
	local path = "game"
	for i, n in v.Path.InstanceNames do
	if i == 1 then continue end
		path ..= "."..n

	print(`[{i}] {path}`)

Now, you want to ensure every object can be found via


My cutscene doesn’t play after adding this!

  • You have objects that can’t be found! Use the newCutscene:canFindObjects() method to debug:
local canFind, objectMissing = newCutscene:canFindObjecs()
if not canFind then

Perhaps you have an effect track? They must be manually created (atleast for now).
But fear not! This module got you covered, simply create a task and use the moon2Cutscene.subtitle(Text:string, properties:{}?) function!


Firstly, we need to get the task object from the cutscene, i like to assing it to a variable.

local _task = newCutscene.task

and now, we add tasks at certain frames

local subtitleProperties = {
	Font = Enum.Font.Code

local frameNumber = 43 -- you dont need to set a variable, this is just for clarification

_task:register(frameNumber, function()
	moon2Cutscene.subtitle("this is an example subtitle!", subtitleProperties) -- REMEMBER: you only have to set the properties once, if you want them to change; make multiple property tables

Now to playing the cutscene;


as simple as that! The play method takes in an optional restart boolean parameter.

Manually stepping over the cutscene

newCutscene:setFrame(timeElapsed:number) -- time elapsed being the time that passed in (seconds * FPS)

Changing FPS

newCutscene.FPS = 30


local removeFunction, ui = moon2Cutscene.vignette(image?) -- give an optional image, or use the default

print(ui) -- the vignette ui
removeFunction() -- removes the ui
-- usage example
_task:onEnd(moon2Cutscene.vignette()) -- this will make the vignette and automatically get rid of it after the cutscene ends!


-- Following the vignette, the moon2Cutscene.Fade(fadeInTime:number?, stayTime:number?, fadeOutTime:number?, Color:Color3?) function returns a function that starts the fade and the ui

local fade = moon2Cutscene.Fade(1, 1, 1)
old post

I’ve decided i’ll make a Moon Animator 2 File cutscene player
get here

documentation outdated, will maybe update later

What does this do?
it takes a Moon Animator 2 Animation file and play’s it out, not only Rig’s but also BaseParts and Models!

It supports :

  • Theese properties: CFrame, Color, Size, Material, Transparency, Reflectance, Anchored, CastShadow
  • Rigs
  • Animation FrameRate (this only affects the speed at which the animation moves)
  • Easing styles and directions
  • Cutscene camera (Built in Camera or part named “cutscene_camera”)
  • Animation events
  • Reversing (Possible by doing new.FPS = -new.FPS or any other negative value)

cutscene.new(AnimationFile, map:Model?)

AnimationFile being the moon animation file found under ServerStorage.MoonAnimator2Saves

And map being an instance which will get copied and put into workspace
When setting a map the script will automatically look for objects under the same path but in the map. This skips the first 2 objects likely being game.Workspace

subtitle(text:string, properties:{}?)

subtitles do not automatically dissapear and must be manually removed via subtitle(“”)

createFadeFunction(fadeInTime:number?, stayTime:number?, fadeOutTime:number?, Color:Color3?): () → nil, ScreenGui

Returns a tuple with the function which will fade the screen and the GUI
Used as new:ended(cutscene.createFadeFunction())

createVignette(image:string?): () → nil, ScreenGui

Returns a tuple with the function which will remove the vignette GUI
Used as new:ended(cutscene.createVignette())
Note: The ui is made as soon as the createVignette function is called and will be removed when the returned function is called. The image label has a default image and an ImageTransparency of 0.5

new:play(restart:boolean?, secondsToWaitAfterFinished:number?, shouldClearTasks:boolean?)

Plays the cutscene (does not yield)
Restart being a boolean which determines whether or not the cutscene should start over.
secondsToWaitAfterFinished being a number to wait after the cutscene is finished
shouldClearTasks being a boolean which determines whether or not to run new:clearTasks()


Stops the cutscene (does not reset objects to default state)


Resets objects to default state


Yields untill cutscene stops playing (if its currently not playing, does not yield)


Stops the cutscene (does not reset)
Removes the map and the metatable

new:ended(f:(self) → nil) :() → nil

Whenever the cutscene ends, calls the function f with the parameter self
Returns a function that disconnects this
Runs all functions in parralel, waits until all functions are finished to end cutscene

new:createTask(frame:number, fn:(map:Model) → nil)

Creates a task which is performed at a specified frame.
Tasks are removed after playing once
Tasks yield the cutscene but their functions do not!


Clears all tasks


timeElapsed being a float of time elasped, same thing as the frame.

new:setObject(index:number, object:Instance)

Overwrites the object to animate. Allows for animating the player, check code examples.


Naming a part “cutscene_camera” will automatically make the camera follow the part.
You can also add a Camera in the animation file.

Code Examples
local moon2Cutscene = require(path.to.module)
local cutscene = moon2Cutscene.new(script.file)


Fade example

local fade = moon2Cutscene.createFadeFunction(1, 1, 1)

fade() -- yields for 1 second
cutscene:ended(fade) -- fade out of cutscene

cutscene:wait() -- yield untill cutscene finished

Vignette example

local vignette, vingetteUi = moon2Cutscene.createVignette() -- vignette is created, altough; its image transparency is set to 0.5, lets change it!
vingetteUi.ImageLabel.Transparency = .7 -- changing image transparency
cutscene:ended(vignette ) -- remove the vignette after end

cutscene:wait() -- yield untill cutscene finished

setObject Example (Animating the player)

local character = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character
character.PrimaryPart.Anchored = true -- if needed, anchor the player
character:PivotTo(playerPosition:GetPivot()) -- if needed, position the player

cutscene:setObject(1, character) -- set object 1 (in this case a rig) into the player, if you are unsure of the index you can print(self.objs)

cutscene:wait() -- yield untill cutscene finished
character.PrimaryPart.Anchored = false -- remember to unanchor the player

subtitles Example

local properties = {
	FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/PressStart2P.json", Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal)

cutscene:createTask(100, function()
      moon2Cutscene.subtitle("text", properties)

moon2Cutscene.subtitle("") -- remove subtitles from screen

This module is still a work in progress and it lacks some features. Feedback appreciated!

This module is still a work in progress! Reply with anything you’d like to see in it!




No probs! Let me know if you need any features, i’d be glad to add them!


Fr tho I’ve needed a system like this for years



  • Bug fixes
  • Changes to the onEnd function
  • New createFadeFunction function

Now we have Moonlite and Moon2Cutscene as free exporting tools for Moon2, this is so swag.



  • bug fixes
  • Added support for Size, Material, Transparency, Reflectance, Anchored and CastShadow

Can you give us a demo script?


OR can you give us a rbxl for this


Yo the Camera FieldOfView didnt work

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neither did attachtopart work. Can you help?
How did your animation camera work

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Update :

  • Added support for camera and field of view
    (didnt realise moon animator had the camera built in lol)
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and, can you elaborate on attachToPart

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It’s a feature in the moon animator camera

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It allows you to go in it’s properties and select an instance to attach the MA camera to

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Can you add features like when it hits an animation event or when it hits a certain keyframe and there’s a keyframereached type of thing

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Update :

  • Added Animation Events used as:
    new:createTask(frame:number, fn:(map:Model) → nil)
    Tasks have to be remade for each play of the cutscene
    They can be removed by doing:
    The play function now has a 3rd argument shouldClearTasks:boolean? which will run the above function when true before playing the cutscene
    Tasks yield the cutscene but their functions do not
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Can you define the frame parameter?

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can you do slow motions cutscenes if u change the frame parameter with a tween?, or slowly change it?, you should make that a custom function

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The frame is a number the function will run at,
You can see the frame as shown in the picture:

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