[V4] RbxManager | Roblox Group and Game Management Bot | Ranking and Moderation Bot

That’s cool, and what I meant adjustable, im talking about me able to change the code that will work for my game.

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You’re able to, of course, it’s open source for a reason

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MINOR UPDATE - 4/18/23

This is a hotfix update that fixed some bugs with the login command. You may look at the code changes in this pull request

Update Steps

Step 1

Save your config.ts file as this will be overwritten while updating.

Step 2

Run git restore * && git fetch && git pull

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MINOR UPDATE - 4/19/23
(I’m sorry for updates 2 days in a row, I got informed of this bug this morning)

This is a hotfix update that fixed an issue that made the info command fail sometimes. This also added the clearshout command. You may look at the code changes in this pull request

Update Steps

Step 1

Save your config.ts file as this will be overwritten while updating.

Step 2

Delete the node_modules folder

Step 3

Run git restore * && git fetch && git pull

Step 4

Run npm install

Hey. My bot was working just fine, but this keeps happening:


Do you know how I may fix this?

Double check your bot token and make sure it’s up to date. The Discord API will typically throw a 404 error when it can’t find the proper gateway to start building slash commands.


This is the version 2.5 release with many features and bugs to fix. If you would like to see the changelog, please look at this pull request

Update Steps

Step 1 - Converting Databases

This update has changed the way the databases are structured. Before updating the files, make a new directory called updateTools, download the convertor and put it in this directory

Next, run npm run winBuild if on Windows and npm run linuxBuild if on Linux. After it builds, run node build\updateTools\convertDatabases.js

Step 2 - Downloading Files

Before doing this, please save the config file and database files, as this will reset them
Run git reset --hard origin/master && git fetch && git pull
Readd your database files, and convert the config file to the new format, which it’s changes are below

groupIdgroupIds; groupIds is now an array
universes; The format for universes got simpler, it’s now just a number array of universe ids
whitelistedServers; This value got deleted, remove it from your config

Step 3 - Reinstalling Packages

Delete the node_modules folder and run npm i

Step 4 - Completion

You are now done updating. Enjoy

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Update using the steps in the update post

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HOTFIX - 5/4/23
This is a hotfix update that updated the login command to work again! You may look at the code changes in this pull request

Update Steps

Step 1

Run git fetch && git pull

Do you mean it works with replit? if yes, then I’m gonna use it

awww man, it’s a bummer, discord is banned in the UAE and I might use VPN illegally if I use VPN

Yea it does

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This is an update that made rank names with spaces work! You may look at the code changes in this pull request

Update Steps

Step 1

Run git fetch && git pull

This update is a general quality update, with it’s two biggest changes being login command fixes (again smh) and fixed sales logging (has been broken since the multi-group support update, I just forgot to update it until now). You may look at the code changes in this pull request

Update Steps

Step 1

Run git fetch && git pull

Step 2

Delete the node_modules folder

Step 3

Run npm i

Any plans for multi-group support?

Already a thing

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How To Fix?

Did you delete the .git folder?

MAJOR UPDATE - 5/21/23
This update adds an XP system and member count logging. This also made the setup script more smooth as it now uses game:GetObjects() instead of InsertService:LoadAsset(). You may look at the code changes in this pull request

Update Steps

Step 1

Save your config as this will override it

Step 2

Run git fetch && git pull

Step 3

Reconfigure your config and if you wish to configure the XP system and/or the member counting system, look at steps 6.4 and 6.5 respectively

Just a suggestion, but since you added the xp system. I think it would be a good idea to do a sessions update next, if thats not already planned.

I wonder if you need to run this on a program, like for example: VS Code. If it’s possible somehow.
this is about the bot that i’m sorta questioning, but cool project tho!