[v3!] TopbarPlus v3.0.0 | Construct intuitive topbar icons; customise them with themes, dropdowns, captions, labels and much more

Yes, you can use icon:deselect() for this.

Would having multiple small TopbarPlus LocalScripts instead of one big TopbarPlus LocalScript be better? I’m trying to improve game performance furthermore to its limits.

no, I think the topbars would collide with each other

how can i set the icon images to the right like this

I don’t think that’ll ever happened, I experimented with those two and it seems like that having multiple small TopbarPlus LocalScripts performed slightly faster (or maybe they performed the same), here’s two videos to compare those two

One large TopbarPlus LocalScript

Multiple small TopbarPlus LocalScripts (the icons did not collide with each other)

What do you think? Feel free to prove me wrong. (Member GothamSemibold is deprecated, also I am using the latest version of TopbarPlus, StreamingEnabled is disabled, and the graphics level is set to the lowest for these tests.)

where to donate because il love this project


Is it possible to deselect an icon from a LocalScript? I want a selected (visible) frame to become deselected (hidden) when an event is fired from the server to the client.

Icon - TopbarPlus here is the documentation. for the deselect option. You can use a remoteEvent or a framework like BridgeNet if it’s from server. But you can use that for local.

How do I do it like the dropdowns wont overlap each other?
I want it like when the settings is opened the other dropdowns needs to be closed

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Gotta love @ForeverHD bro, HUGE shout-out to you my guy, I’m a BIG fan of your work :]

Does anyone know how Bedwars put a UI inside the icon?
I’m trying to figure out how.

They forked it.


It is possible to auto deselect an icon when it’s selected ? like when you select you have different color, i want it so when i click it just do like that “Select wait(0.1) Deselect” if you see what i mean by “One Time Click like a Button on a GUI”

There is already a icon:select() and icon:deselected(),
here is a documentation: Icon - TopbarPlus

here is a script if that’s help:

local topbar = require(path.to.topbar)
local icon = topbar.new()

I’m trying to replicate the roblox chat UI using TopbarPlus and I’m trying to make it so that when the button in the Topbar is toggled, it’ll change image and make the Frame in ScreenGUI visible and same for when it isn’t toggled. Here’s my script:

-- Within a LocalScript in StarterPlayerScripts and assuming TopbarPlus is placed in ReplicatedStorage
local Icon = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Icon)
local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
local ScreenGui = StarterGui.CustomChat

:bindEvent("selected", function(icon)
	ScreenGui.Enabled = true
	icon:setImage(14075358231, "selected")
:bindEvent("deselected", function(icon)
	ScreenGui.Enabled = false
	icon:setImage(14075351504, "deselected")

It doesn’t make the chat Visible or not it just stays visible.

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Nevermind I figured it out, here’s the code to anyone needing it.

-- Within a LocalScript in StarterPlayerScripts and assuming TopbarPlus is placed in ReplicatedStorage
local Icon = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Icon)
local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
local PlayerGui = Player.PlayerGui

local ChatUi = PlayerGui:WaitForChild("CustomChat")

local Chat = Icon.new()
:bindEvent("selected", function(Chat)
:bindEvent("deselected", function(Chat)

It not only toggles ScreenGui, but also changes the image while doing so. Enjoy!

How do I make it so that when an event is fired, it’ll create a notification? I’m trying to do this for my chat GUI using Icon:Notify or in my case, Chat:Notify, thanks!

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Using TopbarPlus appears to break the health bar in some way, I don’t have any details but @Coasterteam is having issues with it too


If I add nexus VR will topbar also show up? or is that a nexus thing

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How can I add a animation for the :bindToggleItem?