[v3!] TopbarPlus v3.0.0 | Construct intuitive topbar icons; customise them with themes, dropdowns, captions, labels and much more

i wanna make a gamepass needed when we touch button on dropdowns or leaderstats value like tsb
but when i make like this

local Topbar = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Icon)

local Cosmetics  =  Topbar.new()

i wanna make when the value on leader stats not enough to get cosmetics it will pop up the marketplace and the icon not being selected , its still pressed but when the value not enough it will not selected

TopbarPlus forked the default roblox healthbar and disables it on runtime. Due to this the script can move the healthbar next to the topbar icons on the right side, but this can indeed lead to some weird bugs when f. E. the healthbar gets re-enabled.


You can either do icon:autoDeselect(true) or icon:setProperty("deselectWhenOtherIconSelected", true) on both icons and you’ll get the desired effect.

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Small bug I found: when creating an icon while the chat is disabled (using StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Chat, false)), and enabling the chat afterwards, the chat button is in front of the created icon’s button:

Solution for me is to wait until the chat is unhidden (it’s hidden for the loading screen on join), and afterwards create the button:

until StarterGui:GetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Chat, true)

Ideally the button would react to changes in the chat’s enabled state, and move aside.

Thanks for the awesome module.

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hey everyone, I was just having some issues with Topbar plus functions. I have two buttons, one of which is a music mute button that toggles on/off. The other, is a basic InviteFriends button that opens the Roblox friend invite panel.
Here’s the issue:
When the player toggles the music to the mute status, and afterwards clicks the Invite Friends button, then the music player gets unmuted and the user starts hearing the music again…
Things I’ve tried:

  • Separating the two buttons into different local scripts

Please review my code below and see if you can help me out… Thanks!

local Themes = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Icon.Themes)
local FindServerAudio = game:GetService("Workspace"):WaitForChild("ServerMusic")
local SocialService = game:GetService("SocialService")
local plr = script.Parent.Parent
local player = plr

local invite = Icon.new() -- INVITE FRIENDS
invite:bindEvent("selected", function(icon)
	local canInvite = SocialService:CanSendGameInviteAsync(player)
	if canInvite then


local music = Icon.new() -- SERVER MUSIC TOGGLE
music:bindEvent("selected", function(icon) --SET TO MUTE
	FindServerAudio.Volume = 0

music:bindEvent("deselected", function(icon) --SET TO MUTE
	FindServerAudio.Volume = 1.2

Hello everyone, I am having a hard time trying to realize how to notify icon in different script when (in my case) a crate was unboxed, can you please help me out with this

EDIT: Found a way, IconController - TopbarPlus
The reason it didnt work before because I didn’t set the name to my icon

Hii, could you tell me how you made the dropdowns use a UI corner?

No, we all tried it and it just does it like that.

Instead of:

local Themes = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Icon.Themes)

Try doing:

local Themes = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Icon.Themes)

His issue is that when he mutes the music, then when he invited someone, the music gets unmuted, not the issue of the themes, please reread his post

Instead of that, try doing this:

local Themes = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Icon.Themes)
local FindServerAudio = game:GetService("Workspace"):WaitForChild("ServerMusic")
local SocialService = game:GetService("SocialService")
local plr = script.Parent.Parent
local player = plr

local invite = Icon.new() -- INVITE FRIENDS
invite:bindEvent("selected", function(icon)
	local canInvite = SocialService:CanSendGameInviteAsync(player)
	if canInvite then


local music = Icon.new() -- SERVER MUSIC TOGGLE
music:SetImage("http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=14205186156", "selected")
music:SetImage("http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=14205184964", "deselected")
music:bindEvent("toggled", function() 
	FindServerAudio.Volume = 0
	FindServerAudio.Volume = 1.2

Also I recommend following this tutorial so you don’t need to always repeat the icon: or something like that, instead, do:

	--customize it

Hope this helped you! Let me know!

Hey, I went ahead and tried all of your suggestions. While they modernized and made the scripts more efficient, the original issue is still persisting.

I am very glad that TopbarPlus detects the “BETA” icon when you have voice chat and moves the icons.
TopbarPlus is truly amazing.


Is it just me or is anyone else having the issue where the icons merge with the chat icon if you use the new chat and not legacychat?

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Well, then it’s probably something else that you did. Try checking the Console when doing that action.

Okay so, I tried doing a code with a LocalScript for deselect the Icon when a button is clicked. But it does this error: Players.OnlyJ0nathan.PlayerGui.Shop.Frame.Close.LocalScript:17: attempt to index boolean with 'deselect'

Is there something wrong I did? My code is posted below so anyone can help me fix this out. Thanks!

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Player = Players.LocalPlayer

local PlayerUI = Player.PlayerGui
local Shop = PlayerUI.Shop

local Button = script.Parent

local Icon = require(ReplicatedStorage.Icon)
local IconController = require(ReplicatedStorage.Icon.IconController)

local icon = IconController.getIcon("Shop")

	Shop.Enabled = false

Yup, was driving me crazy. For me it occurs when toggling the visibility of the core UI / chat box.

Best I can tell, when LegacyTextChat is enabled, the core UI object is destroyed or fully hidden, which makes TopbarPlus slide its icons over. When TextChatService is enabled, the core UI object is only partially hidden, which makes TopbarPlus not slide over. The bug appears to occur when TopbarPlus assumes it slid over, when it didn’t.

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How can I close/deselected the topbar icon when I click on the exit button? I want to make it so you can either press the icon, press G, or click on the “X” to close it. Thanks!
How can I do this.

The new LegacyText is so sleek its amazing. I cant wait for this to be fixed.

That’s no where near being a helpful reply.