[v3!] TopbarPlus v3.0.0 | Construct intuitive topbar icons; customise them with themes, dropdowns, captions, labels and much more

I can try to help you if i don’t know i atleast tried right!

my problem is a bit complicated can you give me your discord if you can so i can share my screen

Ofcourse but don’t expect me to talk. My main language isn’t English so i will reply in chat

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if you dont want to i can just send my problem

is there still a way to use :setProperty("deselectWhenOtherIconSelected", false) in the V3 version?

:autoDeselect(false) is the new version.

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Is there going to be support for the new roblox UI?

Please use your eyes and read… it’s nothing short of astounding how people are still asking this. The last 200 messages of this thread relate to work on v3, which was made to support Roblox’s new UI.


Im sorry, I just skimmed through the page and downloaded what seemed to be the latest version and saw it didnt have support so I asked this. :expressionless:

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I’ve removed :setTip in v3 in favour of :setCaption; it’s much more compatible for touchpad and gamepad users and provides additional support (e.g. keybind hints)


alright, thanks for the information!

I see some games do a smooth transition where all dropdown elements show, how is this done with the Topbar module?

In my game we have a sprinting system which detects when a player holds and stops holding a certain button. We use top bar + v3 as a way to perm lock the sprinting by clicking the button. This works fine, however we want to also display the hint key when you hover over the button, the problem with using bindToggleKey is this will interfere with our existing code that handles the key pressing. If you can add a way to show a “fake” key hint but not actually trigger the button when its pressed, that would be great!





	:setCaption("et voila")


you can also have setCaptionHint by itself:



Thanks for the suggestion :raised_hands:

Can you provide a video/gif?


Just so you know, the coregui hint system also uses a dropshadow. You could add that easily as well!

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Thanks so much! Been using top bar since 2022 :muscle:

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Is TopbarPlus v3 ready for production use as of right now?

Is it possible to have a hint even when it is locked? Just realized the caption doesn’t show when hovered when the icon is locked (:lock()).

Is there a way to disable the overflow feature for certain icons in the V3 module?

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Say there’s a script for a custom menu I made, that makes a TopbarPlus icon, but the developer of the game has a separate script that requires a different TopbarPlus script, would they still work with each other?