[v3!] TopbarPlus v3.0.0 | Construct intuitive topbar icons; customise them with themes, dropdowns, captions, labels and much more

I joined a free kj game, did you even read what i said?

I said if there is any way to replicate the ui in that game.

Thanks for your concern though.

Further update on this,

so i want to move the dropdown a little to the right, how do i do that?

Thanks for your assistance

Does it support custom keybind icons?

Any idea how to fix this? The Red icon wont go to the center position despite being set to

Rpoint = Icon.new()
		{"IconButton", "BackgroundColor3", Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)},
		{"IconGradient", "Color", ColorSequence.new(Color3.fromRGB(111, 0, 2), Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 4))},
		{"IconGradient", "Enabled", true}

I might be too late but the reason this is happening is because RunContext “Client” will run anywhere. The script runs in starter player scripts and then in your player scripts. Change the script to a local script or check if the script is a decent of Players before running

when I put the READ_ME script inside a UI element (because it won’t work with the UI unless i do so), it duplicates all the icons twice. Is there any way to fix this?

Read my post above, Turn off the reset on respawn setting on the GUI element.

if you mean the UI element its within, its already off.


Are you perhaps using v2 or v3?

I am using V3 but it is still not centered weirdly. I do have :setAlignment(“Center”) it works like 10% of the time but most times it shows on the right side.

completely turned off, idk why its still happening but it is

This is really helpful thank you for sharing such great work!

What made you add a pineapple?

For some reason when I do “Icon.new()” it creates 2 icons?

This is the script I’m using:

local Icon = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Classes").Icon)
local icon = Icon.new()

This is what appears:


This appears to be a problem with roblox, for some reason a localscript will also run inside of StarterPlayerScripts before cloning itself into PlayerScripts.

How did I fix it?

For a temporary fix, I simply put the localscript into ReplicatedFirst

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Would there be any interest in introducing a way to align dropdowns from their default at the center?

Had to do this myself, but I’ll have to repeat the process of playtesting the values if I happen to change the current layout of my icons.

    {"Dropdown", "Position", Icon.isOldTopbar and UDim2.fromScale(3.7, 1.15) or UDim2.fromScale(2.7, 1.15)}

My topbar buttons are getting duplicated whenever I play the game

Any way to fix this?

I fixed it!

Put your script into ReplicatedFirst instead