I made a New Showcase game about Ancient Buildings and some stuff,
and my game is called Vabyss Showcase
to see only the ancient buildings are in a very deep cave and there are some crystals on the walls and also If you love my Showcase game please leave a like on my game
Thank you
You can visit the Place down here, hereβs the link
Everything can be made fast if you has some great knowledge on how to do that:
Great modeller and builder : you will build faster than others, something that would take
4 days to create, [Would be less than 1 day depending on how skilled you are]
++ time spent on it (If you no-lifed 18 hours of your day to work on that building
Great scripter : your scripts will be more optimized and you will understand them
easy, [ many people would get stuck for hours on some simple concepts of Lua ]
Sorry for the late reply. So, I will tell you how, you just need to move the folder you have created to a storage / server storage / replicated storage it will reduce a fps lag, more or less apologies