Chat Commands
!serversize (number)
- Adjusts the serversize to a set number (NCO+ & Private server owners)
!groupwhitelist (GroupID/VAK/VAC/RG/PG)
- Sets a group whitelist where only users in at least one of the groups you set can join the game, !groupwhitelist off clears the whitelist. (NCO+)
!raidleader (player)
- Gives the player access to a radio channel between NCOs+ and the player. (NCO+)
- Server flips a coin (NCO+)
randomnumber (x) (y)
- Returns a random number in the given range. (NCO + Private server owners)
!notify (message)
- Pings the chat message (NCO+)
- Toggle team bubble chat (Civilian+)
Fairzone Commands
:raidertime (number)
- Adjusts the raider points (NCO+ & Private server owners)
:defendertime (number)
- Adjusts the defender points (NCO+ & Private server owners)
- Sets defender and raider points to 0 (NCO+ & Private server owners)
Maersk Commands
:changeraidtime (number)
- Sets a custom raid timer in seconds (NCO+ & Private server owners)
:changetermtime (number)
- Sets the terminal timer in seconds (NCO+ & Private server owners)
- Skips the docks phase (NCO+ & Private server owners)
- Resets the phase back to the beginning of the phase, term time will be set back to 0 (NCO+ & Private server owners)
- Restarts the entire defense/DT (NCO+ & Private server owners)
Commands will be added in here accordingly over time as more commands are implemented.
Last updated on 18/02/2022