.Value dosen't work

Hi, I have a huge probem my script don’t “find” the values of my IntValues. For exemple my IntValues is set to 10 I verify in game folder and the value are 10 but my script need that values anf when I write for exemple print(IntValue.Value) in the output it write 0. This is for all my values. My IntValues are creating when a player join in game.Players.“playerName”.“folderName”.IntValue and my script is locate in game.Workspace.“modelName”.“modelName”.Part. The print(IntValue.Value) is inside a function who execute thanks to a ClickDetector

The issue you may be having is that whenever you change the value, it is only changed locally so the change will not show up on the server whenever you go to print the value of the IntValue, you will need to use RemoteEvents in order to change a value on the server from the client.

I forgot to say my IntValues are created save in a dataStore

For chage the values I use a commands

Can you share the commands and whether it was run on the server or the client?

I don’t know where it was run but the commands is this one : game.Players.gaming_71.folder.harvest.Value = 10

Ok I find the solve thanks to @BanTech :relaxed: is because the commad only execute in client