Value Return "false" when being "true"

Hello, late night scripter here.

I came across a little problem. So I made like a developer product starter pack and when someone buys it, it turns a value inside the player to “true”. The problem is then when I try to print the value it simply returns “false” while the value says “true”.

Problem might be because of my tired brain as another old post I made lol!

Yes, everything goes through the server so the problem is not that it just updated on the client side!

Output: “false”
Value: “true”

Edit: Remember, I will change the :WaitForChild() to :FindFirstChild() but I made this script without thinking like that!

I’m assuming you’re setting the value to true from the client and attempting to read the change from the server or you’re setting the value to true from the server and it isn’t correctly replicating to the client for some reason.

No, as I said, I am changing it from the server side here, if you don’t mean anything else:

Is that print statement being executed before the change occurs?

Whenever the player chats, from the server.

It must be being set back to false somewhere, try printing the value directly after you set it in the server script.

I can try printing it from the developer product script itself just to see, give me a second. The thing is that it sayd that it is true ALL the time so I don’t know where it should be false

Shouldn’t it be false by default?

Yeah okay, so it prints “true” from there but not from the chat tags!

Yeah but it saves so it can change from if you already have it or not

Parent the BoolVal to the ReplicatedStorage folder instead and try again.

Didn’t work that either. Imma go sleep and see if I can figure it out in the morning after a sleep. :+1:

I’m certain it’s likely some client/server issue you’ve overlooked.

Yeah, probably, it’s like 1AM so I don’t know if my brain so working lmao but thank you for your help :))