Properties do not replicate between server and client. You can test this out in studio by clicking between server and client and checking out the properties in the text box.
Use remote events instead to send from client to server.
Alright, I used remote events and sent all the data, but it just doesn’t show up or other data shows up from other values.
And I got an important question. How does a remote event help when (before those) I had a server script? (I mean, instead of a local script and a server script, I only had a server script.)
First of all, try all of the solutions above.
If they don’t work, create a new Value inside of StarterPlayerScripts and make a script that sets the text to Value.
local Value = game.Players.LocalPlayer.ValueName
...ServerName.Text = Value.Value
Maybe this will work. Not sure if this is what you meant though.
Server script cannot read the text property,You Must Fire a remote event to a server script,Then check the value fired and check everything you want to check like validity in the serverscript to prevent hacker,
Yea, but the data wasn’t sent correctly or it wasn’t sent at all. For example, I wanted it to show the game mode, it showed the difficulty. And an interesting thing is that the older code actually worked and there was no usage of a remote event or bindable event.