The Vampire Hunters series is my most popular series, having made the debut when I was 13 and the sequel when I was 14-15 (my coding wasn’t very good - so they became broken/overrun by hackers :C)
I wanted to make the final to the series which would be of my hardest and most polished work, after having a long hiatus due to personal issues, and thus 3 has been in development on and off for the past year!
As of the time of this post, it is in Open Beta (v6)
What’s new in this edition? Well first off, it’s high quality and has more attention to detail, including all new high quality maps with destructible environments of which you can interact with, including doors with physics. There are also:
- New movement mechanics, allowing players to not only sprint, but crouch and crawl to get into smaller hiding spots. Players can also lean by pressing Q and E to peer around corners (or jiggle dance), and punch to break smaller objects, glass and damage the vampire.
- More balanced mechanics, with click to grab as vampire, escaping requiring you to press a random series of keys rather than to spam click (which players would use autoclickers to escape extremely fast in VH2), guns no longer 1-shot but deal damage depending on the gun model, distance and body part hit)
- Different gun models with different damage models, recoil shapes and reload times. Each gun skin can be applied to every gun (think universal skin in Rainbow 6)
- R15 character models with a custom facial rig which allows for facial expressions and deeper facial customisation
- 3D clothing of which has been modelled to fit on the character
- New abilities and gadgets, everyone regardless of their mode can use their gadget, but vampires have their own special abilities, for example being able to spawn fire to block pathways and deal damage, or the ability to steal identities from corpses to evade suspicion
- Language support
- Voice acting, with a range of voices to choose from
- Eventually I will add a practice mode with situations to practice shooting and using vampire abilities. Also I am thinking of having a solo game mode?
Current 3 maps: Hotel Japan, House, Valley Ruins (based off of the Welsh mountains)
Funny faces
kids tryina break down my barricade gadget i set up in my room
Gun store
Video gameplay, although its a bit laggy since I used shadowplay
Here is the game link. Things are still in progress of course, so there will be bugs and things I need to balance.