Vans X Stranger Things Grandfather Clock Roblox asset needs a description change

Expected behavior

The description shows a duplicated “Vans X Stranger Things” and needs to be changed to just “Vans X Stranger Things”

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I Think it was meant to be that but its missing a piece of punctuation or something

I think they meant "Vans X Stranger Things Vans X Stranger Things Grandfather Clock
Showing its a vans x stranger things item and that its a vans x stranger things grandfather clock.

All around if i wrote this in english back in the school days i would have probably been removed from the room, this doesnt make any sense good catch. :laughing:

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After careful examination, we confirmed that the reported behavior is by design. We’re closing this report, but please reach out if you have any additional questions.

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Roblox just decided to update the description now anyways Lol
They fixed it