Variable changes when passing to module (string -> table)

-- Main Script
LogService:AddLog("Chatlogs", Message)
-- Module Script
function LogsModule.AddLog(LogName, Element)
	print(LogName, Element)
	if #LogsStore[LogName] == SystemSettings[4] then
		table.remove(LogsStore[LogName], 1)
	print(LogName, LogsStore[LogName])
	table.insert(LogsStore[LogName], Element)

When I run AddLog from main script I get the following to print:

- table: 0xe8cd682c3a62f63c Chatlogs

The first argument is evidently a string, why does it turn to a table?

(Update: using . instead of : seems to fix it, why??)

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What do you mean by that? You mean table?

LogsModule . AddLog()
LogsModule : AddLog()
The part inbetween LogsModule and the function name.

There is a clear difference between using “.” and “:”.
I went into more detail here:

Hope this helps!


Calling a method of a table with : implicitly passes the table itself as the first argument, so it’ll replace the first formal parameter of the function. (If you defined the method/function using the dot operator)

Defining a function in a table with : handles it implicitly, so basically this is how it’ll look:

function myTab:something(self, ...) --//self is implicitly added as a formal parameter

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Whenever you call a method using a colon ‘:’, as in “Part:Destroy()”, it passes the table / module itself as the first argument, so when you call LogsModule:AddLog() (with a colon), the first parameter will be LogsModule, and the second will be the message, when you call with a period rather than a colon it will not send the table/module so the first parameter will be the message.

I recommend reading posts on the usage of the colon. There’s plenty of good ones.

This is known as ‘syntactic sugar’, where a programming language takes liberty in making things easier to read and express.

There is no effective difference between these two things:

local a = {}

function a:foo()


a:foo() -- self implicitly passes -- self manually passes

Also for the sake of learning, self isn’t a keyword regardless of how it is highlighted because it doesn’t actually reserve space… it’s just another variable that syntactic sugar has the ability to implicitly pass.

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