What is Vault 8166: SECTOR-B?
Vault 8166 // SECTOR-B is an attempted remaster of the Vault 8166 that BoomBlox555 made. This game is managed by only me, and nobody else.
NOTE: As of 24/03/2024, this page is no longer updated.
30/01/2024: Spawning in!
The outside part of the map, also known as the spawn, is almost finished. There are only a few missing assets (such as the gate).
I rewrote some code in the doors, they are now easier to implement around the map without needing to change any code.
NEW SOUND EFFECTS! I replaced the intro sounds with more fitting sounds.
Also, i’ve started the search for reactor meltdown sounds. I already have a few, but i’d like to look for more.
Next up is probably the Check-in room, then i’ll start building the pit.
I predict that the outside area will be finished by about ∼2 days.
I privated the game until i connect the outside map to the inside. I finished the outside part already, but it cant be viewed ingame. It will be unprivated after it’s fully done.
31/01/2024: A cold day.
I added some props to the outside, after a fellow developer told me its a bit inaccurate, and listed some things I should add. So behold, the powerbox! And some cool NEON lines! …and a Netherlands flag.
Pretty cool right?
I took a long break from my last edit, but i’ve made some progress! I scripted the powerbox outside which disables the killing lasers at the front door. Development is going well, very motivated to work on it. Its slowly coming together. I might even be able to connect the outside part to the inside part of the map tomorrow!
1/02/2024: Birthday month
It has been a productive day today, the reception room is almost finished! Will polish it more tomorrow though, its getting late. Today i didn’t really get anything else but building done. Spoiler alert, i didn’t connect the outside part to the inside part today. The stairs are the only thing remaining though.
02/02/24: The connection
I connected the outside to the inside, finally! The game is now public again. I also scripted the reactor to work! It doesn’t have any use at the moment, but i’m planning on making a reactor meltdown event. Also, new invisible walls have been added to the outside so you can’t go out of bounds. Or can you?
The alternative control room was looking a bit outdated (compared to the newer building), so i changed it up a bit.
There are now locked doors on unfinished places, such as the teleporter room and the hallway next to the lava pit. I will start working on those hopefully soon!
I also put some neon lights in the hallways and some lamps on the ceilings. Now there are actual light sources instead of just invisible parts with a pointlight on them.
It’s been a productive day.
04/02/2024: Birthday!
I’ve decided to not work on saturdays, as it is meant to be a resting day. However, we got a whole week ahead of us!
I decided to save building the pit for the last thing, because it is VERY difficult. Just so i don’t lose motivation to work on the project.
Random ambient sounds now play, similar to Minecraft’s cave sounds.
New hallway, this will unlock the dark door shown in the last picture. The light blinks. I also revamped the basic static effect i’m using, instead of scripts its now made with a beam.
Very tired, but i managed to recreate the hallway next to the last picture.
(Yes, that door is uncentered on purpose)
06/02/2024: Page not found
Starting off the day, I finally made the doors automatically open, with tweening too! No more choppy doors. I then made a room that the hallway from yesterday is for.
It was quite a hustle.
07/02/2024: WE ARE SO BACK!
Finally, the room where it all started has been built . The hallway isn’t as long as it was originally, because it would overlap with the reactor core walls :[
On the bright side though, this now leaves only 3 locations I need to build before the pit! The emergency exit, and those two rooms that the vents lead to.
08/02/2024: The most peak day ever??
I finally remade the hallways going from the lobby to other rooms to fit the style of the recent rooms.
I also decided to remove the hazard storage, because it is the most UNFINISHED and GARBAGE in the whole game. It has now been replaced with…
The guardian hostility test chamber!
You cannot enter this room, but I promise you, it looks WAY better than that storage.
…Also, there’s a new door.
May or may not be used in the future!
I’m typing this on 10/02/2024, because i was too tired to write this last night.
Here’s what i got done yesterday.
Lunch break room, cafeteria
“I decided to save building the pit for the last thing, because it is VERY difficult”.
There’s been a change of plans, i already started working on the pit!
This is a WIP.
I’m not working today, so i’ll continue it tomorrow, or tonight.
11/02/2024: Continuing where we left off
Haven’t been that active today, but heres some things i got done.
I started off by adding some more things to the pit, and then i had to move a big part of the map to fit the hallway connecting to the pit. Was definitely one heck of task, but i pushed through.
The hallway in question
Dreaded making this, since the scaling is a bit off from the original. Somewhat looks the same. May or may not add more props to this hallway.
Extra: added functionality to the lava pit, unlocked some doors and fixed some collision issues.
Don’t have alot of time to write this, so i’ll make it short.
- Finished the pit, added stuff to the hallway next to the pit
- Added the emergency exit
- Small changes, but not worth mentioning
13/02/2024: I’m sick.
I was lowkey sick in the morning, so i didn’t go to school today. I got alot of things done today, and ill show you now what i got done.
I finished the emergency exit area. Very proud of it.
I’m planning to make it a bomb shelter, maybe an escape route when a meltdown is present? Currently, it has no use.
Started making the rooms that the vents go to
The first room is already finished, including the room’s basement. The door with the house icon is currently closed, but i might add an area there later!
Revamped the reactor room
Now featuring boiling water. And another light.
14/02/2024: Playtesting!
Very productive day today, heres what i got done!
New room!
You can enter this room through the vents, it took a bit to make since i had to change the vents alot.
New BLAST-COVER model!
It also now is tweened with Sine InOut instead of Linear!
(May 26. 2017 is my account creation date)
A better intro!
Dark mode bubble chat
That concludes everything done today. The game is open for testing for everyone.
Play here!
Great news! Now that every room is built, the meltdown sequence can be made! I already made like the base of it, it is very unfinished at the moment. What i’m planning is to:
- After 5 Minutes of reactor activity, there will be a message about the reactor temperature. It is meant to be a sound cue that the meltdown sequence can be started.
- A reactor meltdown is started by:
- Snapping the reactor cooling wires
- Destroying a powerbox (inside)
- Downloading the database
After these, a reactor meltdown will start. Subject to change, nothing is set in stone.
UNFINISHED Video of a meltdown:
Thats all for today! Goodnight!
I finally finished the meltdown sequence. Here are some of the changes
- Reactor core now accelerates when it is about to detonate.
- Reactor core now gets brighter when it is about to detonate.
- Explosion sounds every now and then with an effect.
- Entrances snowed in after 70 seconds of the meltdown.
- “Download Database” now needs 10 clicks instead of 30 to break the glass.
- New final explosion sound
- Added the flash to the final explosion
- Final explosion now kills every player
- Explosion effect added to the window
- Fire added to where the window exploded
- Control room now fills with smoke after a bit, and the smoke detector goes off.
- Badge awarded at the end of a meltdown.
Note from today: Never trying to get something to work with PlayerGui’s involved ever again.
18/02/2024: Thousand Stud Stare
Hi, typing this with my last braincells. Built ALOT of things today.
Well, starting off with:
Testing Centre renamed to Security Centre
The door is also now unlocked. It can be accessed at any time.
More rooms to the Security Centre
Featuring, one unfunctional elevator and a staircase.
Solar Room
The water has a cool moving effect!
The staircase
Pretty cool right?
The “Exit”
Now there are THREE outside parts in the game!
Revamped Hallway
No longer empty as heck, also added some neon lights.
Other small changes not worth mentioning
That’s basically it, i can finally sleep!
A few things were done today, not as much as yesterday but still something.
Bomb Shelter
This room currently serves no use, but it might be used for an escape route while a meltdown is active. It is located at the outside part of the fire exit.
Ambience & random sound changes
Changed up the ambience loop that plays in the background, feels more fitting. I also removed some of the random sounds, and added some new ones too.
Other small changes
- Gave beams (on lamps) a texture
- Fixed bug where a part of the blast cover would stay in place for people who joined after the blast cover was unsealed.
Something very cool was made today!
The guardian! I didn’t want to use the already existing free model on the marketplace, so i remade it!
The guardian currently is located at the Guardian Containment Room.
The door cannot be opened, for security reasons.
Also… if a meltdown happens… keep an eye on it alright?
Theres nothing behind it.
I have nothing else to say except i changed some things.
New guardian behaviour
- Now has animations
- Kills
- Wanders around in its room until a meltdown happens
- When a meltdown happens, the door will malfunction and open. The guardian will start hunting EVERYONE in that floor.
Added wedges, similar to the hallways to the lobby
Changed lighting at the Checkpoint.
Other small changes
- Added sound to the vent at the pit hallway
- Increased bloom by a little
- Finally made that rusty ladder more climb-able
- Removed distortion effect from the shutdown sound
- Added some boards to the lava pit hallway
- The lava pit kicking when you fall into it has been disabled TEMPORALILY.
22/02/2024: Plans
Typing this on 23/02/2024, because i forgot to type it last night.
Security room readded
Relocated, and remade. It has replaced the Alternative control room, because it was just too outdated and ugly to keep ingame.
Changes to the guardian behaviour
The guardian now should run after the players during a meltdown, atleast not as buggy as before.
What next?
The server room. Located on the same floor as the Guardian Containment Room.
Today’s update includes:
Server room
It includes a powerbox, similar to the one at the spawn.
When you break the wires inside the box, the lasers in the vents get disabled and you can enter the vents.
The vents go to the reactor walls. Even though you cannot enter the reactor room, you can get another perspective of the reactor from it.
What’s next?
Hopefully another room, next to the server room.
I will not be working tomorrow, so next update is probably on sunday.
25/02/2024: Construction Zone
Started working late last night, or very early today. Got some things done!
Fixed guardian falling through map
Don’t even know why it did that.
Also, its faster now.
New area: Floor 2
Floor 2 will mostly feature tunnels, instead of rooms. There will be some rooms, but not as many as there is on the first floor.
This can be accessed already.
Changes to the meltdown
Meltdowns can now only be initiated after 3 minutes of reactor activity.
This monitor will tell the status of the core. Once it says “CRITICAL”, you are able to start it.
Props around the window in the control room will now be destroyed when the first explosion happens.
That’s all, i think.
Todays update is cancelled, due to me possibly breaking a bone.
Back on the grind.
Changes to the meltdown
It now has a laser beam, and other effects.
28/02/2024: Sorry, this place is currently under review.
Roblox put my game under review, for putting a devforum link in the description. Are you kidding me?
Removed Base64 codes, temporarily.
I don’t know if Roblox thought that the Base64 codes were links or something, but i’ve removed them for now.
29/02/2024: Case solved
Roblox support helped, and reopened my game after a few changes were made.
Removed Base64 code permanently.
It is not what got the game banned, but i’m removing it because it could be seen as something it is not. Like a link.
Plans for the upcoming updates.
As you might have noticed, daily updates have been getting very tiny changes. This is because the game is in a finished state, and there isn’t really much to add except small changes.
I am not abandoning the game, atleast for now. I will still be updating it, but the updates may not be that noticeable.
Small changes from today’s update
- When the first explosion happens in the meltdown, the chair infront of the glass will now fly backwards.
- Fixed some wedges clipping into other rooms
- New ambience loop
01/03/2024: The first of the month
Todays update includes a new room, and some changes to the meltdown.
The escape route!
This room can be found behind the vault door at the top exit. It will open during the meltdown, only.
Do you dare enter the void?
Took a tiny break.
- Top door now has the elevator next to it, was kind of stupid to not have it there.
- Siren added to the spawn, will start playing during a meltdown
- Planks finally can be only clicked once.
The powerbox now has a flickering light and particles after it’s been destroyed.
The reactor core now will react more (no pun intended) to a meltdown.
- -Removed Guardian Hostility Chamber
- +Replaced with Portal Room
- +Added the Monitor Room
- +Added EMP Remote (EXCLUSIVE, stops meltdowns from happening)
The monitor room.
Portal Room.
[Remote] EMP
The Remote EMP is an exclusive tool, which only admins can spawn with a command.
It disables the “Download Database” button, which makes the meltdown unable to start. This might become a buyable gamepass in the future, but it will only stun the button temporarily, unlike the current one.
Also, we hit 1,000+ visits! Thank you!
Fully remastered, replaced the old model.
In the game, right now.
21/03/2024 - 24/03/2024
Haven’t been updating the blog alot, but there has been many updates to the game.
Completely overhauled meltdown
This new meltdown features new things (such as camera shaking) and other stuff.
The video below is a bit outdated, as it is missing the cutscene & the Blast Cover trying to seal itself before the explosion.
Remastered reactor room
Other small changes
- Earthquakes can now happen (1 in a 1000 chance every second)
- Server room vent no longer fully accessible
- Remastered void
- Subtitles added for the warning sounds