Why have you tried to compete with my module? Why have you stole my code and put it into your own module without even really giving credit?
Let me just go over what you’ve taken from my stuff and re-implemented into your code:
1. My console device code
My original implementation uses Enum.KeyCode.ButtonA for checking the console device. Your code does the exact same thing except that you return Enums instead of strings.
2. My mobile device code
You have basically ripped my original implementation and tried to replace it with your own implementation. The values are the exact same, no difference whatsoever apart from you returning Enums instead of strings.
Let’s also not forget that your thread title (vDevice – An module for getting user devices) at the time of writing is a near exact copy of my thread title (qDevice - A utility for getting user devices). The shameless ripping off of almost everything I’ve created for qDevice is terrible.
Why should you not use vDevice?
I’m going to go into exact detail why vDevice is just simply not good:
This module has ripped off my code exactly and trying to market itself as a better alternative to qDevice, despite it not being a good alternative at all.
The code claims itself to be “lightweight”, having less functions than qDevice. This is technically true, but I fail to see how this makes your product better than mine. I built qDevice not to be lightweight, but to pack in as much features as a developer needs, which gives the developer more tooling when using qDevice.
It is a shame to see that you are copying my code and trying to market it as being better than mine. You could have easily submitted this as a pull request because you’ve literally done one before in my repository. Instead though, you’ve decided to go the childish route.
You contribute valid points but he’s never really said that his product was better, he said it was an alternative and provided reasons to use his over yours. And I don’t really think there are any reasons in competing if both resources are free, both modules have their use cases.
SOME OF the methods you use are also common methods for finding out devices, and he also did credit you as the inspiration.
One of the selling points of vDevice is that it has less features from my understanding.
Not saying VSC didn’t do anything but not saying he did, seeing as I haven’t used any of these modules and probably wont be for a while.
When you create something, It is expected to have at least one competitor, like take a look at Blade Ball and Deflect for example, Deflect is a game like TF2 Dodgeball in Roblox and it came out in 2022, but around September 2023, an competitor named Blade Ball was born, It uses swords instead of hands
I didn’t steal code, I learned from your code, If I compared my function to your’s
I learned from your module, learning ≠ stealing, That’s like saying you stole an painting from a museum when you learned from that painting
America has a state called Georgia and there is a country called Georgia so America copied the name of the country as-well
I am not saying it’s “better” in any form, I never even said that it’s “better”, It’s just an alternative that people can use if they don’t want a bloat of functions, Everyone has different perspectives
I feel like reinventing the wheel instead of modifying a module and suddenly break backwards compatibility
Instead of being rude in the replies, please provide constructive criticism instead. your rudeness doesn’t help anyone. if you don’t have anything constructive to say, just scram and leave this post alone
I am 99% sure the people in here are mostly criticizing this resource because it was made by VSCPlays.
Its literally just a simple module to save time, yeah, I get some people saying, “This isn’t a super mega effort thing”, While you can just write this code yourself, the whole point is so you don’t copy and paste it everywhere.
And to that 1 person saying he copied him or something, dude you cant own an idea and he literally uses Enums instead of strings like VSCPlays said
Yeah this resource is not super useful, but it does what it says, if there are better alternatives then go use them instead, he posted this in here because he can.
It’s simply like forking an open source project and share it. Your project is open sourced, meaning it’s not wrong to copy the source-code and edit it, and there’s no problem to add it as a topic because the owner of this topic and you will get nothing you and him just help the community and will gain nothing.
if you assume this is a bad version of your implementation of device module or smth then don’t use it in your next projects. Adversiting? why adversite an open-sourced project?
Also checked your github repository, and it seems like you are using mit license and this license dosen’t tell people to not re-publish a project licensed with it.
What are the use cases of this module? For GUI’s and input types you should be checking if the user’s device changes. Maybe this would be helpful for matchmaking?
Cross-Platform Design | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub You should be adapting your UI hints and buttons based on the current active input type, not the device that it’s on. You can of course still make it responsive, but for things like button hints you should adapt to the currently used input.