VectorForce not behaving correctly

I am using a vector force to control a hoverboard in a game I’m making.

Here are the parts where the force is initialized, and where I change the force.

		force ='VectorForce')
		force.Name = 'Mover'
		force.Parent = hrp
		local attachment ='Attachment', hrp)
		force.Attachment0 = attachment
		force.ApplyAtCenterOfMass = true
		force.Force =

the part where I change the force is inside of a renderstepped function

		local forceDirection = hrp.CFrame.LookVector
		forceDirection = forceDirection * speed
		force.Force =, 0, math.abs(forceDirection.Y))

I added abs because it seemed to be backward at some points, and abs did actually help a lot, but the force just doesn’t want to follow the frame of the hrp. Im really a beginner when it comes to cframe and vectors so any help would be great. Thanks.

So you want to make a hoverboard go up and down?

No, thats why the y value is zero in the force.Force. I just want the board to apply force in the same direction as the camera. I have narrowed down the issue as well. The hoverboard will not move forward if the board is facing in the + or - x direction.

Maybe remove .abs as it either opposites the value or sets it to be a minus

Change this to

force.Force = forceDirection *, 0, 1)