Vehicle builder needed

Looking for someone to make military vehicles for my game. Think military jeep, dune buggy, etc…

They can be made with parts, unions, or meshes. The only requirements are that they aren’t unreasonably high-poly and that they look good. I’m looking for a rugid-look with blocky-nature. Something like this:

I’ll pay you per-vehicle in paypal or robux, your choice. I’ll start the vehicles off at 1k R$ and I’m willing to go up to 10k R$ for something that’s super high quality and meets my expectations in every way. If you’re interested or know someone who is reply here, message me here, or tweet/DM me on twitter @ScriptOnRoblox

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Those rims are ridiculously detailed.

Thanks, I made them when CSG first came out.

Hey @ScriptOn,
I’m interested! :slight_smile:

How much USD would it be through Paypal per vehicle? You can DM me this if you prefer that.
I haven’t made a vehicle before, but I made the first one ever just recently for someone.

(I didn’t put too much effort into this car, as I didn’t want to risk a lot of time being declined after all lol)

As you can see it’s low-poly. (I can surely make better wheels :stuck_out_tongue: )
It’s not a military vehicle, but I think that if I can make this, I can make one of those as well :smile:

EDIT: That moment of disappointment when you realise this thread is 1 month old. Rip.

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