Vehicle chassis suspension freaking out

Hello there. I have been trying to make a car chassis, and the first step that I took was to make the suspension. Unlike the normal type of suspension chassis cars have (which is a spring perpendicular to the wheel), I decided to take inspiration from the Roblox police car which was released along with the city experience (or whatever it was called). The chassis for that car looks like this:



I did create a similar design and used similar property numbers for the SpringConstraints, but my vehicle has a problem. Whenever the torsion springs are enabled all at once (the ones on the “bar”), the car freaks out. Even if a single torsion spring is enabled, the moment I add any force (such as dropping a brick or touching), the car freaks out. Overall, any interaction makes the car freak out.

Now, I do not know much about Constraints, so I am asking for help here. I ultimately want to make a chassis that is heavy enough to not be pushed around like a piece of paper (which was the problem with my previous chassis which made every part massless) while performing the same. I will list the constrain details below:

Constrain Details
Strut Spring


Torsion Bar Spring


Torsion Bar Hinge


Here is a video demonstration of the problem:

And here is the chassis:
TestChassis.rbxm (9.0 KB)

I really don’t know what is happening or why it is doing that. If someone could help me, that would be amazing. Thank you for your time and help, I greatly appreciate it.


I tried making a few changes to the spring constraints such as lowering and heightening the damping, but it still freaks out like before. If anyone could help, that would be fantastic. Thank you in advance.


Make sure if anything collides, it has no collide constraints, or collisions off

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I’ve attempted turning off all collisions for everything except the wheels, but it still doesn’t seem to be working. I believe it has to do with Roblox’s wanky physics, but I do not know where it originates from or how to fix it. Thank you for the reply though, I appreciate it.