Vehicle springs glitching out at high speeds

i have two cars which use the exact same scripts, one glitches out when its turning at high speeds while the other can turn perfectly fine

both vehicles are shown in the video

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i have no idea what is causing this, the wheel properties are the same for both vehicles, the only thing that has changed is the spring properties

Im not the best on this category but i see that the weels of the blue car have more space to move rather that the green car that the weels enter other parts and this may cause the problem.

the wheels dont collide with the car and the height difference between the two attachments from the springs is bigger on the jeep than the golf cart

if anyone needs more information, this is what the setup for the jeep is (same for each wheel)

compared to the golf cart (same for each wheel) (the one that doesnt glitch out)

and heres a video in physics steps showing the jeep glitching when turning

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i found out that i was putting too much damping into the system
so i fixed it by using this formula for the spring

(Double Wishbone Suspension Spring Issue - #3 by AznDibs)
2 * SQRT(SpringStiffness * LoadOnSpring)

where LoadOnSpring is mass of vehicle (without wheels) / 4 + mass of 1 wheel
then i fine tuned it so it isnt very bouncy, but this works

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