Vehicle suspension is all over the place

ive cooked up a simple prismaticConstraint and springConstraint chassis and it works perfectly fine with the springs disabled. i’ve copied the properties from the springs from an old chassis of mine.
any clue why this happens?

Modify the following to see if any of these help:

  • Mass of the wheel and suspension Parts. Too light makes things bounce around.
  • I always make spring MaxForce more than the Stiffness. For this light of a chassis I’d try 5000 and 3000 to start, then work your way up until it’s better.
  • The MaxTorque of the wheel HingeConstraints. Too high gives this effect, even if the wheel’s AngularVelocity is 0.
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why are you everywhere man?? anyways thank you. it was the hingeconstraints haha.

Because I have no life.
There is only Roblox.
It is my master, I hear it calling in my dreams, filling my nights with fear.

Actually I really enjoy troubleshooting and being able to help people with their issues by sharing what knowledge I have. :grin:


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