Vehicle Wheels Get Contorted When Facing Large Impacts

As the video shows, when the car hits a surface at high speeds, it can sometimes hit tires out.

I’ve found Its not a scripting problem since the patterns are totally random and must have something to do with the constraints holding the tires (Cylinder and Spring)


The mass of the entire car is around 300 kg

I changed a few values and it seems to work for now, but If anyone knows the direct cause I’d really like to know! Thanks! :smiley:

It could just be due to the fact that at high speeds, fast-moving objects may pass through other objects without being detected properly, causing them to “clip” or collide unexpectedly. This could result in the tires getting knocked out. And it could also have happened because of the fact that you didn’t have the spring stiffness at a higher value, causing the tires to be more unstable.

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