VehicleSeat car wheels teleporting to left/right sides of vehicle

I’m creating a racing game and the wheels on the vehicles were too small, so naturally, I tried resizing them. When I did that the wheels ended up teleporting to the left or the right side of the car and causing them to glitch out and be undrivable. I have no idea how to fix this and they are set up just like the original vehicles, the wheels with hinge surfaces are touching the axle part. I came here to see if I could get any type of help on this.

This is the setup:Screenshot_9

Here is what the cars should look like:

And this is what they actually look like:Screenshot_10

Also, I assume that it’s a problem with the Rotate instance, but if those are removed the cars stop driving. If anyone could help that would be great, thanks!

When you say the wheels ‘teleport to left/right side of vehicle’ do you mean the wheel is actually moving from the left side to the right side of the car? It looks more like they’ve just moved forward slightly.

  • How did you resize the wheels?
  • Are the wheels MeshParts, or Unions? MeshParts can be resized on any axis, but if you resize a Union it’ll resize proportionally on all axes, which can change the Position of attachments.

If the wheels are Welded to another Part and you used the Resize tool handle on the front facing side of the wheel then they’re likely offset now.
Also, when using a car with Constraints if any of the Parts you are attempting to move or resize are Anchored it’s going to mess with the Position of the connected Parts.

The wheels are scaled from the top Y-axis and then moved outwards on the Z-axis, and the wheels are Sphere parts with a file mesh inside of the part. And this is what I mean by “teleporting to left/right side”

Are you using the deprecated surface Hinges or Motor6Ds?
Also have you compared what the old version and the new version looks like in Explorer when you Test them in Studio?
I would also try making any Parts or MeshParts around the Wheels CanCollide off and see if that helps.

The old version just has everything in one model:

While the new version has the body parts in its own model:

The new version is just a cleaned-up explorer view, and both models use deprecated Hinge surfaces with the same Rotate instance, and anything near the wheels is CanCollide off.

How does your Joints script join the Parts? That may have something to do with it.

I’d suggest just scrapping the old Hinge surfaces. Making a car well with old Roblox steering just seems so outdated when you’ve got a better system available.

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They work now, the problems were that the Hinge surfaces and 2 Parts that were CanCollide on, thanks!