VehicleSeat input is re-replicated back to the Occupant. This means if I tap D to steer right, I set the VehicleSeat.Steer property to 1 then 0 on my client. The server receives 1 and 0 and replicates those inputs back to me, and I replicate those back to the server and this repeats. This can be pretty hard to notice with low latency, but if you set studio’s “Incoming Replication Lag” in the network tab to 0.5 or higher, it becomes very obvious.
Replication Steps:
- Open VehicleSeatReplicationBug.rbxl (23.9 KB)
- Set “Incoming Replication Lag” to 0.5 or higher in File > Studio Settings> Network
- Press F5 to play
- When seated QUICKLY press and release W, A, S or D once and wait double the time you set “Incoming Replication Lag” to
- Watch the output, it will print changes to Throttle and Steer